Kora was doing her best to try and get some purchase on Tin Man's core, as that was where she could potentially do the most damage. He intent was to sweep round behind him and wrap an arm round his neck. This golem was bulkier than her, but she was taller, and so he'd have a hard time unbalancing her there. Unfortunately for her plan, the man grabbed her back, and a metal hand wasn't known to be a very yielding one. One twist let her know that any attempt to part them would come at the expense of any use of that hand...and that wasn't a card she wanted to play just yet. She kept the heat going. He'd release his grip. It was only a matter of nerve. She had far more pressing things to deal with anyway. She kicked away, twisting her arm in the man's grip enough to get out of the way of the strike for her head, but the knee caught her ribcage in a glancing blow and there was an audible crunch. Kora cursed and clasped her side with her free hand. This guy hit hard. Plenty of others would take that moment to reconsider her strategy. Kora, less so. "One more chance....to resolve this." she said through gritted teeth. "Say you surrender...or things will get ugly." Or course from an uniformed party's perspective, what you had was an injured knight threatening a man she had no way of harming as if she held the advantage. --- The silver-haired creature paused as the figure passed her, slowing for a moment in apparent surprise at the sight before altering her speed sufficiently to fall into step. Her head tilted to one sde in a fashion that might mirror its own... though possibly for different reasons... as shortly after a few moments of attempting to determine the nature of this person she bore her teeth. Her teeth were a lot sharper than a persons should have been, structured more in a way that implied an obligate carnivore than an omnivore, and the opening of her mouth, though when closed had given not indication of anything particularly unusual about it, now seemed to stretch much too far and show off too many teeth to be normal. She'd found a target. There was an almost imperceptible change as RE1 tensed to spring. If fairly observant, The Conductor would have about a second's grace period to avoid the pounce. [@Conch Shell VII]