[right][h2] Elimination Squad, Covenant Base - [/h2][/right] Emerging from the burned shell of the Covenant cover building came the ten figures who had stepped inside. Some brandished strange specialist weaponry, while others were carrying armfuls of unconscious Covenant operatives. Some had wounds, but all had been bandaged up. At least one looked like he'd been turned on the spot in order to allow him to survive the massive hole in his chest. Lesser soldiers rushed into the building, removing more unconscious captives from it and tending to whatever wounded remained. Dead enemies were of no value to the Army, but living ones presented a variety of enticing opportunities. With the superiority embodied by the ten Death Troopers it had been easy to take out these humans without any undue casualties, and the majority of them were even now being loaded into trucks. Perhaps they would be turned into thralls, or used as human livestock. Regardless, they were useful. One of the Death Troopers looked around as they listened in on radio chatter. It appeared there were more Covenant forces in this town than expected, and only a few of them were in the base. "North, south, east and west are secure. The four divisions are prepared for a counterattack." "A Hybrid covenant ally named Vlad has been spotted. Last seen fighting Col. Blue. Requesting backup." "Tristan has turned on us. Reasons are unknown. Take him out ASAP." Sighing, Brig. General [color=teal]Sky[/color] interjected with his own comment. "The base has been cleared out, all hostiles dealt with. No friendly casualties, minimal enemy casualties. Trucks should be arriving at the South Gate soon. No significant intel acquired, they fried their hard drive before we captured them." With that he finished, there was no time for unnecessary chatter. He had completed his orders, and in the lieu of further commands it was best to work towards securing the town. It appeared there were two dangerous enemies on the loose, both of whom needed to be dealt with before this town was fully under vampire control. As such it was only logical to hunt them down and deal with them, while protecting all important assets. "[color=green]Jade[/color], [color=gold]Gold[/color], guard the central base. It's possible the enemy will try to free the prisoners. [color=darkred]Crimson[/color], you're with me. The rest of you, hunt in pairs. Our targets are a hybrid named Vlad, and the rogue vampire Tristan. Both are highly dangerous. Subduing them is preferable, but lethal force is authorised. Move!" With that the Death Troopers went their separate ways, each already knowing who their partner was. They leaped onto nearby buildings and began running along the roofs like dark spectres, superhuman speed and agility allowing them to cover ground rapidly. It wouldn't be long before their targets were discovered and then eliminated. Even if they were able to hold their own against two Death Troopers, the rest would be quick to back them up in the event of a fight. [color=teal]Sky[/color] himself simple walked through the open roads, soldiers rushing past him this way and that. Although he looked relaxed, nothing escaped his gaze. [color=darkred]Crimson[/color] followed behind him, covering his blind spots. Even if he covered ground more slowly, he wouldn't miss a thing. If the enemy was foolish enough to remain in town, he'd encounter them eventually.