"Give it your all T'charrl, I can ask nothing more of you," Yusef reassured as he ushered his son back to the chasm. As any good leader should he had done the act himself before pushing it onto his "subordinates", now it was up to them to repeat his feat. Airing on the side of optimism there was some hope that T'charrl would be able to advance to flying against the winds today and yet that simply wasn't realistic. The Prince did all he could to stand against the winds and for a time he did manage, but as expected the gusts grew stronger and the inevitable collapse was not terribly far behind. With the winds still pushing Yusef flew into the chasm himself and stood before T'charrl to block the gusts, his fur rustling wildly in the wind as he acted as a shield. "If you managed on only your second attempt you'd surprise everyone, me included, don't lose heart my son," he said as he turned his head and waited for the winds to finally subside. Kneeling before T'charrl and helping him to sit he dusted off dirt and plucked a twig from his hairs, smiling as he helped T'charrl to his feet. "It is not normal for our people to try and stand against the wind, you know this, our strength is in our wings. That said... The gusts here are not like a storm, spread out and diluted, but powerful, directed. It takes a very special way of flying to be able to stand against these winds, and you'll learn it in time, just as you'll learn to place yourself as a tree first." "Though... Perhaps asking you to try this on your own is a bit much to begin, you've never done an exercise like this before. Perhaps then..." Looking for Haku the General called for him to come and join them, smiling as he placed a claw on his back and eased him towards the chasm. "I've an idea! Haku, you shall help T'charrl and act as a support, for the time we will simply work on the proper stance to maintain, standing on his own can come after," Yusef explained, "T'charrl? You did well for your first attempt, but let me suggest something. The smaller you are the less the wind has to strike, and the easier it becomes to make yourself steady. Perhaps instead of standing upright..." To illustrate the point the General lowered his large frame and put a shoulder forward as though preparing to tackle something, "You try a stance like this. When you fly you make yourself as narrow as possible so the wind passes over you, but standing upright that becomes harder. So perhaps try lowering yourself? And fear not, Haku will be behind you to catch you should you slip." ---------- "Nah, I sit in my room thinking of all the reasons I'm so excited to see you, [i]teacher[/i]," Takeshi sneered as he looked away from Krom in annoyance, "The only sad thing is you getting stuck training us, so much for being a high and mighty Elite. You were so lousy our shitty old man just dumped you with us." So what was this jerk going to have them doing today? Carrying huge rocks up a hill? Running laps around the city? It came as relief to hear that Krom was actually being somewhat conscientious about Shu's injuries and not having him work too much. And then the bastard turned it around on him and had Takeshi doing double the work as though he was doing his brother's share for the day. This jerk was doing that just to spite him wasn't he? "That's fine, give me everything Shu was going to do, I can handle it," Takeshi said as he smirked, not wanting to give Krom any satisfaction in thinking he might be getting annoyed, "And I'm not worried about Shu hurting me, but he'd probably kick your ass if he could. So you should be glad we're not sparring today."