[center][h2][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170702/56a566aed12f0445df4f892ae9334f10.png[/img][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fcdRxkv.png[/img][h3][color=A9BA9D]Group 5[/color] [color=A9BA9D]Location:[/color] Flying Train || [color=A9BA9D]Action:[/color] Holding Sinead Down (In a family-friendly way) -> About to start a Flying Lesson || [color=A9BA9D]Mood:[/color] Happy [/h3][color=A9BA9D]Interacting with:[/color] Sinead [@Orpheus], Druuk [@duskshine749] [/center] Michael smiled as he watched Sinead flail around a little wildly, and grabbed hold of her hand firmly as she floated by. Gently, he pulled her towards the floor of the carriage, grabbing her waist as politely as he could think to when she was close enough to shift how body so she was properly perpendicular to the floor. Michael seemed to be fairly adept at keeping himself firmly on the ground, providing an effective anchor for the floating woman. [color=A9BA9d]"No idea when we're gonna get where we're going, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. I'm pretty sure it works just by thinking about what direction you want to go. It's... Honestly it really is a strange sensation. Though, why don't we head back outside where we won't bump our heads?"[/color] he'd suggest, already gently guiding Sinead to the outside of the train-where there would be less stuff to run into-when Druuk came over to them. [color=A9BA9D]"Hey, seems you've also joined the flying club."[/color] Michael observed in response to Druuk's 'hi,' his smile seemingly unaffected by the other man's scowl. He would look at Sinead, for whom he was still acting as an anchor if she needed it. [color=a9BA9d]"I was just heading back outside where there is a lot less... Metal to run into, are you coming with?"[/color] He offered a friendly smile as he prepared to step back out onto the balcony between the two train cars, Sinead's hand in his own. Sinead, having been in in both compartments now, might remember that there was only one flying train car attached to the one she had been in, and no additional one beyond Druuk's.