[h1]In the beginning...[/h1] (baby-state of Lora) The 4 parts of the world are (really really, like a snail level of) slowly moving towards eachother. The nations living here are: NE: Forest -The Ungracefull, hero: Kodar. SE: Mountain -The Waround, heroes: Benoba-Bulldog and Aki. NW: Dense air -The Maroo, hero: none. SW: Ocean -The senkai, heroines: Slacky and Waily. All seems calm today.. Post are of this format: your nations name, wind-direction of the nation, biome: (NationName1, NE, woods biome:) "Dawn:"+ action "Day:"+ action "Dusk:"+ action "Dark:"+ action (Dawn: We try to wake up and wander the nearby area, keeping close eye on everyone. Day: We attempt at setting up a camp or at least a basic area in which we'll reside. Dusk: We hope to find food and shelter in the camp. Dark: We sleep as best we can without snoring too much.) Your hero name, wind-direction of his/her location, biome + ":" (Hero1, NE, woods biome:) "Action :" + action. (Action: Sing my national anthem to awaken my people! And maybe turn to my other side a few more times..)