Is this good? Also, I'll get the half dragon out tomorrow. [hider=Erjak the Savage] [b]Name[/b]: Erjak the Savage [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Plains Orc [b]Age[/b]: 31 [b]Religion[/b]: He and his clan follow no true deity, instead they have a set of beliefs that they follow that specify that one must keep the world at balance... or peace, else evils beyond this world might be attracted by the chaos of the world, causing it to be consumed in a endless abyss, however, not even he knows how these beasts exist, he is not sure even if these beings exist, however he is sure that something will arrive and then, not even the dragon Htraknu will be able to resist. [b]Backstory[/b]: Since he was a little orc, Erjak has always been a bit different than most orcs. First of all, he was about a head bigger than most of his fellow orcs, making him quite a sight to behold. His mind however was another piece of work, he was very inquisitive and he trained both his mind and his already quite large body. Erjak had the fortune of being born as the son of the one of the clans that formed the Karanos Tribal Confederation and though orcs do not necessarily follow the son of their leader as he has to prove his strength, he has had no trouble doing that, being born both with a great mind and a great physique, he earned the respect of both his clansmen and the leaders and clansmen of the other tribes that formed the tribal confederation of orcs. Most of his life has been a normal one in terms of an orc, he had no real conflicts that he could speak of and no tragedies that affected his family or his clan and other than a few raids coming from orcs that did not follow the confederations mantra there were no large battles in the tribe... though these raids have allowed him to get one some hands-on experience in terms of combat. Until the age of 24, nothing serious had come in Erjak's way, however, only a day later a massive raid was launched by a force of unified orcs with only rape, slavery and plunder in mind. Erjak had never seen raids in which there more than 100-200 orcs present, however, this raiding force had more than a thousand orcs, all with the purpose in mind to plunder the riches of this confederation. And though the raid was pushed back(barely), thanks to Erjak's savagery inspiring his fellow orcs, there were great losses in his own clan, including nearly all of his siblings(5 brothers died and 2 of his sisters were kidnapped) save for one brother and one sister. Needless to say, the Karanos Confederation was not pleased and as such, they decided to amass a force of orcs to chase these raiders back to wherever they were going since they were moving woefully slow due to their plunder. At first, his father was chosen to lead this army, however, due to having sustained a wound, Erjak was placed as leader of the army. Erjak allowed his rage to take over him and instead of using any actual strategy, he simply charged at the force and started butchering any hostile orc that entered his sight and though the allied orcs fought with less rage than he did, they too hewed their way through the raiders. Erjak's merciless nature and savagery during the battle gave him the nickname that he would try to remove his life... Erjak the Savage. After killing the raider force nearly to a orc(with a few of them escaping), he returned back to his clan, bringing back what the raiders stole and much more, enriching the Karanos Tribal Confederation all the more. However, as the years passed it was clear that the rest of the world did not like the this confederation of orcs, whether because they were more threatening than a singular clan or whether because they were simply orcs, it wasn't clear, but it was obvious that people did not like them. So, in response to that, the Confederation sent Erjak to serve as ambassador to the surrounding kingdoms so that he may be able to improve relations with them and mayhaps secure an ally. [b]Motivation[/b]: As his beliefs specify, beings that seek to threaten the balance of the universe must be swiftly dealt with and Erjak truly believes that only by keeping the world state of peace and balance that it can truly prosper and Htraknu and his minions very much threaten this balance. [b]Magic[/b]: No magic here! [b]Skills/Strengths[/b]: Erjak is big, nearly a head bigger which means, he has strength to match his size. He is also, much more intelligent and much more knowledgeable than his kin, having read many books by foreign scholars on many different topics. Again, defying the standards of his own race, Erjak despite his intimidating size, is quite charismatic. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Erjak probably has one of the shortest tempers you might see, even for a orc. A few misplaced insults, or even a few friendly jabs might make him snap, no matter of they are friend or foe. Not even he knows why he loses his temper so quickly and while he has tried to work on it, he hasn't made much progress in this point. [b]Gear[/b]: [url=]A Full set of chainmail and plate armor.[/url] [url=]His Zweihander[/url] A few leather-bound books about various topics. [url=]A warbow[/url] [url=]Two Short-swords[/url] [url=]2 Orcish Bloodkin[/url](basically his personal guards) [b]Other[/b]:[/hider]