[@KoL] I would like to interject with two statements. First, a collective verbal hug. It seems there are upset people, and there should not be. Nobody should be blaming people. While I'm glad that I got the Dungeon's theme correct this was also partially by chance. People all add/subtract their own things from your explanation, due to the imperfect way in which words translate to ideas. So sometimes people have different interpretations of something, which you can then either encourage or discourage. Overall it seems to me like people feel like their characters aren't being useful. So I recommend the player caste finds something really big and ugly (maybe Helena? Not sure how strong she's supposed to be) and beat the crap out of it. Big fight, lots of people, and one of the big bad vassal-tier beings actually being defeated. Or at least damaged. Oh well, that's just what I think would be cool at this point.