"Hmm, I don't know that I want to go completely into [i]all[/i] the details, but..." Ahnasha began as she turned her attention to Rhazii. "Let's just say that your father has a particular sensitivity to moon sugar. You already know how Khajiit are very tolerant to it compared to the other races, but Fendros is especially, say, vulnerable. It only takes a little to affect him in a pretty bad way. I don't really know why, honestly. I was just joking with him; I wouldn't want to give your father any of it, especially without him knowing. It could be pretty unpleasant. Moon sugar is something that can have some bad effects, even for Khajiit, if we have too much. Do you remember that stuff that we told you to avoid if you ever were to find it, skooma? It is made from moon sugar, but is much more dangerous. Even Khajiit do not have that much of a tolerance for it. Your uncle Janius could tell you some pretty horrible stories you probably wouldn't want to hear about it." Meesei gave a wide, somewhat prideful smile towards Sabine. "Indeed, before she had any real knowledge as a mage, Sabine was already an accomplished alchemist beyond her years. I started her training as a mage, but she learned her alchemical knowledge as a part of her upbringing before joining the pack. She still makes all of the potions we use, and has been able to make some rather creative concoctions, I would say. Have you had any progress on any new creations as of late, Sabine? I know that alchemy, despite not using one's own magicka, is still a magical discipline at its core. Have the more exotic forms of magic you have been studying recently given you any inspiration?"