[color=9e0039]CORRINE DOOLAK[/color] - Far Harbor docks "Fine," Rose said, with a weary sigh. She gave a stern look towards Doc Teddy and held up a finger, "You take care of him. Understand me? He's not some dog you bury out back. He's family." Teddy gave an understanding nod, "I'll make sure he's given proper respect." Rose nodded, and waved for them to leave. Corrine hung back with Steve, behind Rose and Longfellow, as they wandered back into the town. She drew close to Steve and murmured into his ear. "The dead man, his name was Bishop. He and Rose held James and I at gunpoint up in Acadia, when we went up there looking for the synths." She watched his reaction and jumped back in, quickly. "Oh, they thought we were threats. We decided to come back down the mountain together, when we all found out we weren't, well, enemies or somethin'. Some mainland group called, hmm, Train Tracks...Engineers...oh! 'Railroad.' They help the robot people. Or, people robots. Whatever they are." A breeze picked up off the water, particularly cool, causing Corrine to shiver and jam her hands into her pockets. "I didn't really know him, but he was, eh, civil enough." She sighed. Rose made a beeline for the nearest open booth, and sat down. Longfellow sat next to her. Corrine motioned to Mitch for a full round for all four before sliding onto the bench. She reached out and took Steve by the hand and gently pulled him onto the bench next to her. "I don't know for certain," Rose began slowly, after a few moments, "But I don't think Bishop was killed on coincidence. And I don't think the cultists did it either...it doesn't make sense. We were up in that observatory for nearly two days and they could have finished us off whenever they wanted....but they didn't. And they even let us walk down the mountain with Corrine and that Enclave bastard." Corrine wouldn't object to James being called a bastard, and nodded. "That's true. They confronted us, but withdrew. Even when they came to the Hull, even when James [i]shot[/i] at them, all they did was withdraw. If one or any of 'em made it into the town, someone would've seen it." "It has to be The Institute," She said, shaking her head and clasping her hands together, partly in fear, "It has to be them. They're still looking for me..." "What was it you said? We're stubborn, usually good people, but keep to ourselves?" Corrine smirked, repeating Rose's words back to her. "Why would the Institute be tryin' to kill you? What, really, is the Institute? I assume it's some kind'a mainland thing?" She shook her head. "Thing is, harborfolk can spot a mainlander from a mile away. Plus, after the cult showed up at our doorstep, everyone's a lil extra...suspicious." She shot a glance at Steve, and softened. "Well, most of us," she corrected. "But with good reason, otherwise," she continued. "Don't rightly know what any of them Institute folks might look like, but none of 'em would get past anyone without bein' noticed, I'm pretty sure. Longfellow?" Corrine drew the attention to the old hunter. "What do you think?"