[Hider] [Hider=Dragon Form] [Center] [Img]http://www.overheat.ro/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/World-of-Warcraft-Legion-Wallpaper-16.jpg[/Img] [/center] [/Hider] [Hider=Humanoid Form] [Center][img]http://img01.deviantart.net/f398/i/2016/101/b/7/ysera_by_noxiihunter-d9ymnj9.jpg[/img][/center][/Hider] [b]Name[/b]: Teysa, the Weaver [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Race[/b]: Dragon [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Religion[/b]: None [b]Backstory[/b]: Teysa the Weaver is an uncommon outlier compared to her fellow scaled kind. Where most of her brethren treated humans and the lesser races with naught but cruelty and belittlement, she was one who offered her hand in benevolence. For in the struggle for survival, she had seen first hand the kindness that could be found in the hearts of mortal kind. When she was naught but a whelp, she was the runt of her brood and with the cruelty of her mother, she was abandoned. Too small and too weak at first to survive on her own, the little newborn whelp foraged for food as best she could until it simply became too much. On the side of an old road, lined with dust and filth, she had collapsed upon one stormy eve. The crack and rattle of thunder awoke her once, to the sound of a carriage, and the warmth of a soft blanket wrapped around her form. In the days and weeks to come, she was fed, given medicine, and nursed back to health by the careful tenderness of the maternal kindness of a Elven nobkewoman. With a family filled with distinct wealth, she eventually thrived. Catching up to the rest of her fellow dragonkin in terms of proper growth and weight. Where she thrived, she also learned. Her newfound "mother" taught her magic and all the wonders it brought. Becoming ever affluent in the nature and the elements, the little whelpling's black eyes turned into opaque white filled with light as she began to harness magic more and more. Over the years she toiled and studied, even learning how to craft herself a humanoid state to ease such a process. And before long, the child had grown into a peculiarly stunning young woman. With her maturity came wanderlust, and with her mother's permission she set out upon the open road. Three years passed, and all that was ever heard of Teysa was of a violet Draconic Magus who helped protect and save those she came across on the road. When she had returned home however, she soon found that her home was no longer quite what it seemed. Her adoptive family, once a proud assemblage of nobles, had faded into madness and obscurity. Their wealth, her home, all gone to a curse of destructive corruption laid upon them. All for the ancient relic that lay in the family's vault. A horn gilded in silver, belonging to an age of distant history. One whose cry was rumored to remove the Gods invulnerability. Believing she could burn away such corruption, Teysa took up arms but was stopped soon into her attempt. For her corrupted family were far more potent magi than she, renown for their capabilities, and she narrowly escaped with her life. Now homeless, she wanders the lands, still helping those she can, and seeking frantically for a way to free her family of their madness. [b]Motivation[/b]: Altruism, as much as she would prefer a peaceful solution, Teysa recognizes that there is such a thing as true evil. She wishes to aid those that cannot aid themselves, and those who fight against the darkness. [b]Magic[/b]: Transfiguration - The Magic of Shapeshifting. Teysa can shift between her Dragon Form, her Humanoid Form, and a Black Panther form at will. She was taught this by her adoptive family of magi. Elemental Conjuration - Where some magi are of the arcane, Teysa orders the elements. Wind, Fire, Earth, and water. From conjuring fireballs and lightning to causing a miniature landslide, she can deal extensive damage with elemental magic. However, as her mother taught her this, she insisted that it be a last resort to save her life or the lives of others. Healing Restoration - Teysa's most preferred art of magic. With it she can rapidly minor heal wounds within seconds and major wounds broken bones in the matter of a few minutes. This was thwart her mother was most adept with, and with meditative "weaving" states, she can cleanse away magical corruption over a small area. Cleansing Flame - Like most dragons, Teysa can breathe large gouts of flame. What is peculiar is its magical properties. It damages her enemies with explosive damage, and heals her allies while cleansing them of diseases and the like. This can only be used while in Dragon Form. This was learned after she had accomplished much of her magic studies, and she enchanted her own firebreathing to be less destructive. [b]Skills/Strengths[/b]: Intellectualism Magic Multilingualism Historical Knowledge Religious Knowledge Arcane and Elemental Knowledge Cultural knowledge Herbalism/Medical Knowledge Draconic Knowledge [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Prideful - She is proud of her Dragon lineage, despite her family's sins. Hence her Humanoid transformation still has horns and intermittent scales. Bookworm - While Teysa is an incredibly potent magi and healer, that is all that she is. Stealth, subtlety and subterfuge are things she fails at. She prefers books over people, more often than not, so social interaction is also not a strong suit. Pacifist - If at all possible, Teysa will try to find a peaceful resolution to conflicts. Like mentioned before, her offensive capabilities are an absolute last resort. [b]Gear[/b]: None. She is a Dragon. Her equipment would be lost upon transformation. [b]Other[/b]: Additionally, Teysa seeks to end the witch who cursed to her adoptive family. With the only clue she has being a strange, spilled goblet of bronze and gold and beset with runes. If she ends, If she perished, she believes that the curse that addled their minds will be lifted. [/Hider] Work in progress!! [quote=@CollectorOfMyst] [@Feisty-Pants] Now I want my thief-to-be to know your dragon... I like dragons... [/quote] Just wait to see her CS. He might not like her. XD Is the artwork I chose acceptable?