[quote=@CollectorOfMyst] [@Feisty-Pants] Now I want my thief-to-be to know your dragon... I like dragons... [/quote] [quote=@Feisty-Pants] [Hider] [Hider=Dragon Form] [Center] [Img]http://www.overheat.ro/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/World-of-Warcraft-Legion-Wallpaper-16.jpg[/Img] [/center] [/Hider] [b]Name[/b]: Teysa, the Weaver [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Race[/b]: Dragon [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Religion[/b]: [b]Backstory[/b]: Where did you come from? Who is your character? [b]Motivation[/b]: Why do you want to kill Htraknu badly enough to risk your life? [b]Magic[/b]: If you have any, explain where you got it and where you learned to use it. Remember that only magical creatures, elves and Solymics can use magic naturally. [b]Skills/Strengths[/b]: What is your character good at? What abilities does your character have? [b]Weaknesses[/b]: What are your character's flaws or vulnerabilities? This could be a gap in your skills, a vulnerability like sunlight if you're a vampire or Shadow Elf or a character flaw like pride. [b]Gear[/b]: What is your character bringing along on this adventure? [b]Other[/b]: Anything else you feel like mentioning? [/Hider] Work in progress!! Just wait to see her CS. He might not like her. XD [/quote] In all fairness, knowing someone and liking someone are not always the same. I look forward to both your character sheets.