The fight is over! Thank you for your patience! Now, to the more technical side of things! Welcome to level 2 everyone! The night in Greenest has been concluded and from now on there is but one direction to head to... the cult of the dragon evidently needs to be stopped. It's time to take the fight to them, and what better moment than now with newly acquired power! (The gained max HP is the static value given for the levels beyond first) Wait a second, hold on? Are you all not injured after these events? Worry not, you also can begin and conclude a long rest! No more interruptions! There's also one more thing... We have been using DMRoyale to house our character sheets, but I have both noted that they cannot support https protocol and heard that at least one of our players is still having trouble logging in to the site. No matter how good DM tools the site offers, if players cannot access their character we cannot go on. I thus propose characters to be 'remade' over on [url=]Myth-Weavers[/url]. I am deeply sorry for the trouble, but this transition needs to be made. After you are done moving and leveling up, remember to mention me so I can have a link to the sheets somewhere where I can easily reach it. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Norschtalen][@Gordian Nought][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher]