[hider=Getting up and ready][I]Repth...[/i] Pulling shimmering golden strings, Luciel mended the halves of his constructed attire back into place while taking a moment to stomp the boots properly into place. With a yawn, he threw himself onto his feet from the cot he'd constructed against the inner wall of his cave. [i][color=8882be]Monsters lived in caves, right?[/color][/i] Well, a year of construction and planning, periods of digging carved out a small portion of a hill and built out a ways with fallen logs. Layers of sod upon tattered pelts from hunted game held up the weight of snow and small plants that already sought to claim the addition to the hill. Furnishings were nothing spectacular, a chimney with a muffled top to hide smoke bore host to a hooded fireplace where a grate sat suspended above a dead pile of coals. Crates jigsawed together without nails held various produces which Luciel stirred with a shrug, picking out the better selection of radishes, carrots and onions. Though he knew Sanctuary could handle itself, the garnishing ration he had to offer was meant to make his trip to town worth just that much more. Pushing a bear pelt aside to check the entryway, it seemed like the potatoes were ripe for the picking and he set to work with dagger in hand, abusing the instrument of destruction for the sake of busting out the fresh root veggies. In the process, the handle tilted with a creak and Luciel quickly withdrew to find the tarnished and half-rusted dagger bent after trying to heave-ho a rock. It honestly wasn't quite the way he intended to start the morning, requiring him to run a thumb along the silver cross of his necklace before messily sheathing the blade. The grit caught until he slammed it in with a noisy crunch and a growl in response, slamming a fist into the dirt and splintering one of the prized legumes. Simply frowning, he stood and brushed the dirt from his current haul while walking back inside to dump it in a game bag along with a few more from personal reserve. There would always be more, anyway. Before leaving, he pulled on his crafted bear pelt unlike the messy hide that covered the entryway. Belting and sections reserved to slip his antlers in made it seem like the pelt of a fiend, ironically disguising what he was...well, to anyone who didn't already know.[/hider] The bear cloak easily kept Luciel warm due to its size and how he had it belted in three sections. Laden with the game bag and backpack full of root vegetables, he set off through the forest in the direction of the waking villiage and its light which slowly faded from torches being lit and snuffed in the morning twilight. He'd been so lost in his crunching footsteps and listening for other sounds, he almost hadn't noticed the woman perched up in a tree if it weren't for the shadows his downward gaze happened upon. Curiosity took him for a moment long enough to almost make eye contact with them before turning his head back down, not willing to draw attention. Still, he did his best not to be rude, offering a small and awkward bark of [color=8882be]"G-good morning!"[/color] to Brielle before continuing on his journey. She looked armed, something Luciel was aiming to avoid at all cost; engaging in social niceties with an armed human alone in the woods, especially while toting supplies. He suspected lone humans to be creatures of advantage, having no knowledge of hunters, and picked up his pace in slight fear of being robbed or worse. [@LadyinInk]