[@Crazytazer] I'm not sure about the man servant, I just don't feel like it would fit the world very well and he would probably be killed off quite quickly anyways... other than that it seems good. On a side note, I was wanting to ask you guys opinion on a Miracle system I've been thinking about adding to the RP. Basically how it works is the more you pray to a specific god, the more likely that specific god will be to help you in your times of greatest need. You can only get the god specific buffs if your allegiance is sworn to that god, but you can pray to any of them to increase their chance in helping you. It won't be a big chance, probably only going up to a 25% probability that a miracle would happen at the maximum, but I feel like it would add an extra bit of hope and suspense. Every god has a different scenario where they can save you from. Ragnarok for instance, might shield you from a killing blow, borealis infusing your weapon with holy power to fell a boss, or Shee'l Tor manifesting nightmarish creatures to aid you in battle. Let me know what you guys think!