[center][h2][color=aba000]Toulouse Voltaire[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] The air was quiet as Toulouse sat atop the Bannerlord, taking a moment to enjoy the sunrise as he ate his breakfast. Nutrient paste wasn't the most palatable meal on the planet but the coffee in his mug washed it down well enough and the horizon let his mind wander enough so it didn't matter anyway, the grasslands before him slowly bleeding into sand as the sun rose behind him. It was the quiet, picturesque moments like this that reaffirmed his decision to come to the Freelands. Toulouse was considering going below deck and grabbing a cigarette before a klaxon stole away his attention, updating him on the new bounties and missions that were posted. Deciding against it for today, Toulouse scanned each of the missions as he finished his food. He immediately skipped the highest paying job over, his desire to stay away from home winning over the paycheck. He took a little longer on deciding between the Elementum retrieval and the Mech testing, weighing the odds before deciding to lay claim on the Elementum job. He's too used to this old beast anyway to give something like that a good run for it's money. Plus he was closer to the Desertlands anyway. Slipping below decks, Toulouse laid his claim on the Elementum job with a premade script as he started to awaken the old beast. [color=aba000][i]"This is T. I'll be near the Iron Canal within the day, heading in on the north side of the area. Any tag alongs are welcome."[/i][/color] The script was sent and logged into the system as Toulouse and the Bannerlord stomped their way towards their objective, opening channels to whoever decided to join in.