I got my wisdom teeth pulled, altogether a fairly painless and easy time for me because my teeth had no complications. I didn't even swell up. I also had my tonsils taken out when I was 5. My advice is keep ice on your face for as long as humanly possible the day after, it does [I]wonders[/I]. As for worrying about dying from being put under, look at it this way; you're far more statistically likely to get killed driving over to the dentist than you are in the procedure. The only reason it makes headlines when someone dies from complications during something like this is because of how incredibly rare it is; people die in a car crash, nobody bats an eye. One freak accident happens at a dentist, everyone loses their minds. It's kind of like how all those Western outlaws became famous. They're not famous because they're a step above the lawless rabble that made up 90% of the Western population in the 1800s, they became famous because crime wasn't as common as popular culture would tell you and what they pulled off was unheard of at the time. Point I'm trying to make is you're making things much worse about it thinking about a single incident instead of the countless hundreds of thousands of successful procedures that have occurred. Just keep calm, don't even think about it, and go about your business as usual. The more you let it seem like a terrifying thing, the more it's going to be so much worse, when in reality, it's a very simple procedure that you will be glad to have over with. If you need to talk, lemme know! I'll put you at ease, or your money back.