City The man kept running through the alleys, changing route spontaneously in hopes of losing his tail. But that damn sound wasn't getting any further away, the sound of a blade carving through the stone of the buildings as the thing slowly walked towards him. The spine chilling sound of hook carving on wall send an echo through the alley streets, an echo that was as haunting as the fact that the running person was literally haunted. Out of confusion the man reached a dead end with no escape in sight. And there he appeared, a coated figure in a hat with a silver hook in one hand, flipping a coin on the other. Pocketing the coin he approached the cornered man. THe temperature in the area dropped and a fog of breath could be seen coming from the man. The man suddenly howled and started transforming into a...werewolf. Then the werewolf jumped to the side of the building, it's claws digging on the walls and climbed up to the roof only to find the ghost waiting for him there. Enraged now, the werewolf jumped at the ghost only for his attacks to pass through. He tried and he tried but in vain but in the last attack the ghost caught the werewolf's claw in one hand a ran his hook through his skull. A few whimpers later the werewolf passed on, his soul forced to leave this plane, preventing it to return here again.