[h2]Baarsuth[/h2][hr] Baarsuth frowned as the engineer practically interrupted him. He looked down at the Dug who squatted on the ground. [i]'Ego on thisn's big as a bantha in a bikini,'[/i] Baarsuth thought. Baarsuth looked back up at the captain, who looked as displeased as he did bored. The Twi'lek woman stepped out from behind the curtain and answered his question. He didn't pay her much attention; she was hot but tall girls weren't his type and she seemed more bored than even the captain, which was really saying something. "Alright," Baarsuth said to the woman. "Jus checking. I'd hate fer the motivator to fail and this ship go five directions at five hundred times lightspeed." He looked back down at the engineer. He said, "Nice to meet ya then, pardner. You sound like yer quite the capable type. Here's hopin' my ears ain't deceiving me." He turned and looked at the captain again as he spoke, more than a little pleased with his quip. The captain mentioned a copilot, and Baarsuth tilted his head, unaware that there would be a copilot on this junker. He turned his head towards the rest of the crew and looked them over. His eyes fell on a droid that looked [i]really[/i] quite familiar, thought he couldn't put a finger on where he'd seen it before. "Which a y'all is Bo?" he asked.