Meep meep! Tutorial battle is over. I debated letting you guys kill the other toads but I think we're quite finished with that menial work. Meet two other semi-important members of the Yuji Estate, Yaj and Ryla. Yaj is an experienced adventurer who's settled down to become the Yuji Estate head chef. He'll be making your meals as well as giving you leads and jobs if you can't find any from the guild, or any steady work. Most of his jobs are menial like picking mushrooms or something, though occasionally he'll have an interesting quest you could go for. Basically if you don't want to pretend to have a day job, Yaj can give you a radiant quest. Ryla runs a little item shop at the bunkhouse, tailored towards adventuring gear. Since she just started her stuff is fairly limited, mostly gear closer to camping stuff rather than adventuring. Still she can sell you basic equipment like daggers, clubs, shields, and leather armor. She can also brew potions and more importantly, enchant gear. An expensive service, however she also has quests which you can do to get on her good side and if she likes you she may do some work for you for free. You can also sell unwanted loot to Ryla, even some vendor trash like monster parts since Ryla can use those for her alchemy. Nothing is useless to her though that doesn't mean she's going to willingly buy literal crap from you or anything like that.