[center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1qofJ4UyDA][img]http://i.imgur.com/EuhREDg.png[/img][/url][/center] When the wrist containing the name in Fae began to burn, Julie ignored it. She also had to ignore the voice in her head, which had decided it wanted to continue to talk to her. She sighed, pulling out what looked like a small metal tube. It was an [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1571/0615/products/DSC09178__10723.1422586948.1280.1280_1024x1024.png?v=1479890716]e-cigarette[/url], filled with a special medicine. She screwed it closed, and it lit. She sucked in a puff and blew out a blue smoke. [color=ed1c24][i]"Those really don't work, ya know? And you really should have punched him. I'm sure you're sick and tired of all those men, trying to pick you up. Especially when they find out you're not attracted to them. One of these nights, I'd like to go back to their place. Lead them on, ya know? And then when the time is right, just as they're about to 'score', we'd pull out our knife and-"[/i][/color] [i][b]“U…uhm… E.. excus… excuse me…”[/b][/i] Julie heard, and as she looked up she noticed the terrible burning on her wrist. At first, she didn't see the small creature. And then she did. It was a fairy. Julie had seen them before in her time, but not too recently. She gave a few blinks and tilted her head, curious as she took another puff. She blew it away from the fairy. [i][b]“C…Can… can you… see… a.. a bite… o…on… m..m…my wrist…” [/b][/i] Julie stopped leaning against the wall, and glanced forward. Instead of seeing a bite, Julie saw a name. It was glowing, and it looked kind of like hers. Wait.... Julie stepped forward, tilting her head to get a look. It didn't [i]look[/i] like her name, it [i]was[/i] her name! She quickly looked up at the small creature, scared. What was the date today? She brought out her phone quickly, looking at the lock screen. It [i]was[/i] today. And apparently, it was now. "Ah...H-Hello," she spoke, stopping her e-cigar and putting it away with her phone. "I'm...I'm your Soulmate. I'm afraid I-I don't know your name...I know it's Fae, but I-I can't read it," she stumbled on her own words, bringing up her own wrist for the fairy to look at.