Suwako did her usual identification process before entering the building, getting out her magic laced identification card from her pocket and pressing it at the sensor. It looked just like your normal identification card, only that it wouldn't work if someone not working for the Beacon were to use it. It scanned for the magical trace of its user after all. "Ah, hello Vivian," she replied to the redhead. "Yes, I just have a little... unexpected trouble that I need to take care off first before I can go here." Once she arrived at Room B, she saw how her "students" had already been there, no doubt waiting for her. "Apologies, everyone," she said to them as she bowed a little, her expression still her usual serious one however, "Something came up that I had to take care first before I can come here." "Yes, let's go right away," she replied to Clarissa. "I think we shall start by learning math first." Their lessons were done mostly by solving problems that they could see on their computers. When there was a difficult problem, then Suwako would teach them how to solve it. Of course, the program itself already had the answer written down, but it would just look like gibberish to someone who could not understand it. And that's where Suwako came in. She would explain to the class how to get to said answer step-by-step via the whiteboard available in the room. The study session lasted for around three hours. Even though it was quite long, they were comfortable thanks to the casual atmosphere and how they could bring their own drinks and snacks unlike in a classroom. And they were happy too that Suwako was also willing to help them do any homeworks they might have. Suwako, of course, knew that there was a possiblity that they only joined the study session so they could get her to do their homeworks, but seeing how time-consuming the life of a magical girl could be, she couldn't really hold it against them. She was just lucky that she was blessed with a smarter-than-average brain. "Well, I think that would be all for the day," Suwako said once they were finished. "It's night time already. I don't know about you guys but I have a patrol tonight, so I have to get home early." Outside the classroom, she took out her phone and called for her driver to come pick her up. It wouldn't do for a young girl like her to go home alone in the night after all. And as usual, the driver came on time, so she didn't have to wait for long. Once at home she quickly took off her uniform and went into the bathtub her maid had provided for her. Ah, how she loved the feeling. She never had the opportunity for this kind of indulgence in the orphanage after all. She felt all her muscles relax, washing away the tiredness she got from school and from her study session. She couldn't really stay there for long however, as she had dinner to eat afterwards and then the usual patrol. At dinner, like most nights, her parents were not there to dine with her, as they were probably still busy doing their respective occupations. She wasn't bothered at all with it however. She even was thankful for that as it made it easier for her to sneak out to do her job as a magical girl. After dinner, she told her maid that she was going to sleep early and that she was not to be disturbed. This made sure that no one would come in to her room and see the empty bed she left behind. "By the power of Yggdrasil, I shall cleanse you all!" She transformed to her magical girl form before leaving her room as usual, so that she could jump out of the balcony easily. She had been doing this for a while yet she still felt discomfort doing the transformation, as the spell left her naked for a few moments as it fitted her with her magical girl outfit. At least there was a light covering her body as she did the transformation. As she stood on the balcony with her red knee-length hakama-like skirt blowing in the wind, she realized something important that she almost forgot. This outfit of hers didn't include any underwear. Apparently, when she thought up her costume, she forgot to imagine that little important piece of clothing. So now every time she transformed, her panties would get removed, leaving her with nothing down there. So she had to do wear one beforehand manually before she went out, resulting in her wearing double panties once she returned back to her civilian form. ...Now that she thought of it, last night, she had forgotten to wear a pair, thanks to the sudden alert signal summoning Beacon girls to the hospital. She blushed at this revelation, but quickly reassured herself that no one would notice anyways. Yep, no one would bother looking up skirts while in the middle of a battle after all. Shrugging off the thought, she went back inside and took a pair from her wardrobe. After she wore them, she finally started her patrol run. And so that was how an ordinary day of Suwako Makiyoshi went. It seemed busy, but Suwako was fine with it. It was a far improvement from her old life after all. And she liked jumping around buldings in the night, feeling the night breeze on her skin. Being in a fight doesn't bother her either, as when she first became a magical girl, the first thing she did was to make sure that she absolutely knew the limits of her own power. So now, she had confidence in tackling any enemy that she might encounter. She would also let out her owl familiar to fly beside her. The creature had better sight than her so he could spot things further than she could, thanks to its night eye. She could also use him as a chat partner, though it's mostly him talking most of the time. She just wished that the night would be a little warmer, as sometimes the cold wind kinda made her want to go to the bathroom before her shift was over. It's such a bother going back to her home and did her business there. There was no way she was going to just do it outside. Her life went peacefully for the next week, with all sides involved in the conflict not making any moves. Or at least, any moves that the Beacon could know. Who knew what they were doing on the shadows? [@Flamelord]