[@glwgameplayer] Naked Snake's character sheet looks alright beyond the occasional spacing issue and misspelling. However there are a few things to keep in mind: [b]Olive Drab[/b] -It makes sense for Snake to start with Olive Drab. He started with it in-game and it's his most basic camouflage outside of being [s]naked[/s] shirtless. However in the actual game Olive Drab is kind of crap. It's OK in the woods and decent in some indoor areas, but Tiger Stripe beats it out. So while it still gives him benefits in sneaking and blending in, any other camo Snake finds will probably do it's job better. [b]Fast Healing[/b]- Yes healing that quickly and being able to function in spite of being injured does count as a perk. Outside of that Nake Snake is perfectly fine. Just clean up the spelling a bit and he'll be good to go! Naked Snake might not be at his peak like he was as Big Boss, but he's still young here and not blinded or burdened by his past actions. So there's plenty of advantages he has over his Big Boss incarnations. Plus he's just that much more personable and amusing. Also! Gear Rex is on the [u][b]Monster Hunter[/b][/u] encounter table I have. So Naked Snake might very well run into some of the shit he fights later on. [s]Also it's gonna be awkward and scary as shit if he runs into the Man on Fire.[/s] Plus his existence is gonna pretty thoroughly confuse Quiet at first, though I don't know if she'll recognize him as the 'Boss' at first. [@WrongEndoftheRainbow]I'll have to hit you up on Discord later, it's my birthday on the 19th and I'm going to be busy for a bit. E.Y.E seems pretty interesting though, especially in regards to loot.