[h3][img]http://i.imgur.com/52Kspeh.png?1[/img] [color=0072bc]Izumi Airi — The Sky[/color][/h3] [hr] [color=0072bc][i]For the briefest of moments, the green grass was above me, and the blue sky underneath my feet. Moving my legs just a bit, in that short moment, it almost felt like I was walking on a cloud. It was...the first time I saw the world spin.[/i][/color] [hr] Airi was used to moving quickly. When she really pushed her body to its limits, even her own perception of the world was distorted in that instant. The familiar tug on her stomach, the smell of scorched rubber as the soles of her shoes were worn further and further down. But that...was nothing compared to this. A spinning world was replaced with darkness, as the G-forces took their toll on her. The smell of burning rubber was replaced with the stench of scorched earth. That familiar experience was taken from her, pulled and warped into something outside of the realm of common sense. The sky beneath her feet...looked the same as it did on that day, five years ago, perhaps six. But what she was seeing wasn't a memory, but reality, as her wind-shot eyes opened with a start. [center][h3][color=0072bc]"WHAT"[/color][/h3][/center] Craning her neck against the clouds and screaming wind, she saw the field beneath her emerge, along with a good deal of Northern Shinto. There was nothing to jump from. Nothing to kick off of, nothing to grab onto. Just air, sky, and a smoldering, red-hot ground, which was rapidly falling away before her eyes. [center][h3][color=0072bc]"THE"[/color][/h3][/center] Her hoodie rippled in the wind currents, whipping at her sides as the worn drawstrings unraveled that much more. Even if she [i]had[/i] been a magus, she might still not have understood what was going on beneath her, or even what had just happened. [center][h3][color=0072bc]"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU—"[/color][/h3][/center] Of course, this, [i]this[/i], was a Berserker's idea of keeping his Master safe.