[center][h1][color=coral]Sara Hawkins[/color][/h1][/center][hr] A quarter mile from 'Land's End', a small, but fairly prosperous town in the Dunelands, sat a Therux Rellis-class supply truck. Its clean grey and black steel chassis rusted in places and covered in a fine layer of tan grit- sand that never seemed to leave the cracks and crevices no matter how hard one scrubbed. A wide, olive-drab tarp stretched over the main body of truck and attached to its back were a pair of mech trailers, also covered with tarps. From a distance, one would wonder if the truck had moved at all in the past year- and from the way the tarps were set up- propped up by tent poles and pegged in by large steel spikes, this truck looked like it had more or less been locked down. Despite its almost abandoned appearance, abandoned the truck definitely was not. The main cabin of the truck had most of its innards ripped out and replaced- a gun turret had been ripped out, sold, and replaced with a skylight, half the crew bunks torn out and replaced with a bench and table, and most of the main storage space had been replaced with furniture for a pair of pilots living in the freelands. Lounging on one of the bunks, Sara was vaguely aware of her data-pad buzzing. A set of potential jobs had come in. She didn't bother looking through them- that was Robin's job. Knowing Robin, she'd be aware of a job as soon as it came in, and if the job was worth doing, chances were- [color=#2f538c][i]"Hey Sara, wake up, I got us a job. "[/i][/color] Robin sounded as eager as ever. If Sara felt like getting into a fight, she'd call her an eager puppy. Just as well, she'd have a hard time finding a job in time without her, so he couldn't really fault her. [color=#2f538c][i]"That T. guy just opened transmissions and offered a tag along, you wanna contact him or do we need the money, it's up to you; I just wanna get up and do something, we've been here for a few days without anything to do but work on The White Hare and Thrasher."[/i][/color] Sara rolled over and stretched lazily, her spine making satisfying popping sounds as she stretched out. She swung herself out of bed and started pulling her flightsuit on before the yelling continued. [Color=#2f538c][i]"Hey Rabbit! What's the verdict, are we doing this for ourselves or are we gonna tell the guy we're comming?"[/i][/color] [color=coral]"I'd rather not get shot out of the sky if its all the same to you."[/color] Sara replied, raising her voice enough to be heard through the door. [color=coral]Oughta let him know we're letting him come along for the ride."[/color]