Abel inhaled the scents around him as he relaxed in the bar. Bright blue eyes nearly glowing under the shadow of his hat as he took in the uncharacteristic peacefulness of the current area. A peacefulness he suspected would not last very long. Alas, he was proved correct. A group of loud guys burst in and began demanding drinks, shattering the calmness of earlier. He felt himself wince at the loud noises and briefly wonder if New York was such a great place to live after all. Abel recognized one guy....a guy that had been in one of the strip clubs he had worked at as a bouncer. The guy happened to come in on gay night...the sheer bigotry from that memory caused a soft growl to escape him. The guy turned...big guy with a big mouth. [b]"Hey...its that queer guy"[/b] The guys stood and tried to intimidatingly walk to abel. Abel felt a brow quirk as he stood, crossing him arms. He would not get angry this time. He would not loose his cool and toss a man through a wall. That was...more then a one time thing, but he would get a handle on himself. The leader? sneered at him. [b]"A damn sinner like you is going to burn straight in hell with the rest of you freaks"[/b] He felt himself snap. The anger rose up like fire and he found himself moving. Grabbing the man with one hand before tossing him at the wall causing a chain reaction of the other two trying to jump in. He threw some punches...they missed some punches. He could feel his canines lengthening and knew that he had to get out of there before he killed them. A few more punches and they were done. They quickly left and he went the opposite way. Abel's steps led him into an alley where he punched the brick before inhaling. It was a nice night, one filled with scents...his eyes shut for a moment as he slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the name on his arm. Would they accept someone who had a habit of seeing red at certain words. He shook his head causing water to fling in random directions as his waterlogged shirt no longer held any mystery of his body shape. A sigh escaped him as he left the alley. Rain was terrible...but his damn rage made him stomp out here without even realizing that it was wet outside. With a grumble, he stalked his way toward his house. A walk would be good for him...in fact maybe he could stop by central park and change shape. Though wet fur was miserable....his thoughts becoming more random as he walked, causing any feelings on his arm to be nonexistent.