Madison loved his job. Perhaps some would have called it monotonous. Repetitive, even, to spend so many years researching the same groups, looking over the same data, compiling said data into a format that the public could understand. But Madison relished in it all. Every day spent in his work was something new learned, or even [i]relearned[/i], like finding an old crumpled twenty stuffed in the pocket of a favorite jacket. It helped that the work itself was hardly boring, leading him to fantastical places, and allowing him to become acquainted with the most interesting people. Madison was entertaining two such guests in his office currently. The first was a lovely young woman by the name of Faust. He had met her through mutual friends, and, after a few lunches, he invited her to stop by his office to demonstrate her particularly curious power to him in person. She accepted, and was here now, picking at the velvet arm of her chair and frowning to herself. The second was “Russell”, a giant, writhing pile of...something indescribable that Faust had summoned in the center of his office. Madison had no words to describe the jumble of flesh that was strewn upon his floor, and, whenever he attempted to get a closer look at it to try and understand what, exactly, he was looking at, he found that his eyes would begin to bleed profusely. So Madison settled for staring at a spot just to the left of Russell, or glancing over at Faust, or dropping his gaze to his notes. No point in pressing what quite clearly shouldn’t be pressed, after all. [color=#0A8558]“So, Russell.”[/color] Madison began, [color=#0A8558]“This…’salivating void’ you mentioned- is this a part of the world you came from?”[/color] Russell hissed. It drew the mints that had been offered to it into one of its countless orifices, and cried in a voice that had no sound inside Madison’s head. “COUNTLESS EYES SALIVATING THE STARS ARE SOON TO SWALLOW EXTINGUISH THE SEAS EXTINGUISH THE SEAS EXTINGUISH” Madison sketched the words down onto his paper, nodding to himself. [color=#0A8558]“I see. Unfortunately, I’m not quite sure how to do that, Russell. My apologies. ”[/color] “WE ARE BUT ONE OF HIS TONGUES, WHISPERING WORDS THAT WE KNOW LISTEN AND WAIT” [color=#0A8558]“Thank you very much. I’ll do my best to follow your advice.”[/color] Clicking his pen, Madison glanced over at Faust, smiling warmly at the witch. [color=#0A8558]“Alright, I believe that I’ve gotten all the recordings that I need for this session. We can schedule another appointment in the future, once you and Russell are ready.”[/color] “Oh. Well.” Faust gave an awkward chuckle, rubbing her hands together. “That’s good. That’s good. We can come back in a few weeks. I was just worried you would be trying to put Russell into some special Russell jail or something. He really doesn’t like that.” [color=#0A8558]“I would hate to upset you or Russell,”[/color] Madison replied. His voice was as warm as ever, although his eyes were sober. [color=#0A8558]“Both of you have been wonderful guests. In fact, would you and him like to come over for lunch once our next studies are over?”[/color] Faust swallowed. She pulled at the pink locks that had fallen into her face, tearing off a few loose strands. “Sure. Sure. That sounds nice. Thank you, Mr. Lovette.” [color=#0A8558]“No, thank [i]you[/i] for yours and his time.”[/color] Beaming, Madison sat up, watching as Faust dismissed Russell away to whatever plane he had came from before reaching to shake her hand. Once the woman left, Madison circled the office, switching off the various recording devices- of both magical and mundane natures- that he had scattered throughout the room in preparation for the visit. This truly had been an interesting session. [hr] Once everything had been properly packed away, and once the data was recorded and properly backed up (Madison had found that any visual recordings of the session had been ruined, much to his dismay), the researcher left his office and began his stroll back home. His work and home were so close that he hardly bothered to drive, preferring to simply let his feet take him to and fro. It left him ample time to mull over his research, and that was something he found quite precious. As the rain began to fall in heavy sheets upon the vampire, he glanced up, smiled, and opened a bright red umbrella above his head before continuing his trudge forwards. He would let himself enjoy it more fully once he was home.