[centre][h2]The New World Project[/h2] The end was near and the world leaders knew it. In 2018 they teamed up with NASA and other space organisations and decided to select a few ordinary citizens to participate in The New World Project. However no one was meant to know about the project and the end, so they had to lie and say it was just a lottery and that the selected citizens would go to the moon for a week. A couple of weeks later, the chosen civilians, or as they were called by the government- NW’s, were ready to get on the rocket ship ‘Artemisia IV’. However before they entered,the truth was revealed to them. There were tears, there was anger and there was confusion, but there was no time for explanation. They were immediately frozen and placed in the rocket. They were never seen by humans again. Meanwhile the earth we knew was being attacked by extreme natural disasters. Hurricanes were big enough to consume half of Europe(and that's what they did) just by getting close to it. The tsunamis flooded countries without mercy. And instead of water, it was raining rocks. After thousand years it's all over. The earth took back its land. However it didn't manage to kill a handful of new human who were determined to stay alive. They managed to live on, on this new earth filled with nothing but with plants, animals and other natural elements. And in the rocket which never arrived at its destination, the NWs began to wake up. [hr] The survivors possess darker skin and eye colours to protect them from UV damage. They are also taller and skinnier to help dissipate body heat.Everything else about their appearance would stay the same since one thousand years doesn't give us enough time to evolve drastically. [/centre] [Hider=Rules:] No NSFW. At least 3 sentences per post. Have as many characters as you want to. Don’t be OP No god modding Do not powerplay Do not metagame Include everyone Romance allowed Do Not Overpower Yourself or Others Do Not Lorebreak Do Not Play Mary-Sues Listen to the Gm and Co-Gms [/hider] The NW’s: The survivors: [Hider=Character Sheet:] Name- Nicknames- Role- Sexual Orientation- Gender- Age-(Any age for the survivors, 5-16 for NW’s) Date of birth- Appearance (Only drawings/anime pictures please)- Height- Weight- Personality- Likes and dislikes- Any health problems?: History(Required for NW’s, optional for survivors)- Weapons- Other- [/hider]