If there was one thing Barrington had to say about the land around them it was opportunity, also inhospitable and dour, but beyond that he saw a place where his talents might be quite appreciated. The cart ride was admittedly less than comfortable for him having crammed some of his blueprints or other documents nearby for quick access though it was an acceptable loss for the cost of preparation. The inventor was the last one to exit the carriage scrambling to replace the papers in some order before exiting the ramshackle transport to unload the rest of his belongings quickly. He had no intention of forgetting any of his gadgets this time, never usually ended well for the unknowing recipients so better to prevent any accidents ahead of time. In the meantime he kept ears open as to what was being said by his compatriots as well as who he presumed to be one Arthur Chastibul mentioned on the parchment. Certainly wasn't a welcoming greeting the others received despite the travel to what equaled a large shanty town in its condition that had wanted help in the first place though said condition led him to believe things had not been going well up until now. Honestly he suspected a joke on the part of Kessel given just who they all were as this just the sort of thing a god of luck with a sense of humor would delight in making. However his two less 'savory' companions certainly did not lack for wit or sharp tongue in kind to answer the insults or provocations sent in there direction. After all if even the pious Templar could see the reason in their words without trying to outright denounce them it made an impression for certain. If anything it was amusing even if the guards were pathetically armed farmers, he hoped considering the implements, in a dead end almost ruin of a hamlet. The lady Templar made an interesting point about more of her kind being strangely absent but he never entirely got the more serious god's worshipers nor the motives at the best of times. Barrington finished his equipment check deciding to actually make his presence felt instead of remaining a bystander considering he would also be part of this venture. The Engineer walked himself over in line with the rest of his associates with a light smile on his face still having a sense of the positive for the moment. [color=FF8C00]"Seems a waste to chastise us now before we've had a chance to make our mark good or bad as the situation might be. Besides old Kessel is just ribbing us a bit with such a chance encounter." Barry said in a swift pace giving his early thoughts on the predicament, "I quite think the offer to get out of this weather sounds wonderful what with the luggage and timing if your words about the night are as dire as true. This is just my opinion however I cannot speak for my compatriots."[/color] The inventor certainly couldn't force anything but a few words never hurt to get the thoughts flowing. He quite expected a rather cold reception if the pattern held true especially since he likely seemed the least threatening or harmful of the bunch but that thought could be remedied soon enough.