Love where you're going but must point out that a billion years of evolution survivors wouldn't look like present day humans Sorry I can suspend disbelief and let it ride but had to point it out for sake of the demoness of details Proof I am curious to see where this might go [hider=Koi]Name- Te song Reaver Nicknames- Koi Role- Orientation- ? Gender- Female Age- 16[right]Date of birth- April, 1st 2002 The Year of the Horse[/right] [center][img][/img][/center] Height- 1.72[right]Weight-55.3[/right] Personality- Te is a curious sort who is always looking to answer her questions, see what is behind a closed door, assembling and disassembling machinery and so forth. Girly she loves silky soft things but can get down in the mud with her fingers if she is following her curiosity. I suppose it is obvious by now that she is first and foremost inquisitive. She is quiet when involved in research unless she has what she calls a lab partner then she pelt them with data and questions some of those questions having little or nothing to do with the subject of study; if she isn’t involved in study she is a hyperactive girl who loves to dance and sing or practice her martial arts Likes and dislikes- Any health problems?: History- Te was born in Hong Kong where she lived with her parents Mike Robert Reaver a mid ranked police officer, her mother was Yun song hung a Nurse and they gave her a happy life. It was at the hospital that her mother worked at that her intelligence was outside that of her peers who was playing with geometry puzzles left out by a graduate student who worked there as they attended the college attached to the same hospital. Like other children found to understand more than their years would expect Te was made a subject for a short time till she complained to her parents who rescued her from that pressure filled life by enrolling her in an expensive and experimental school where there were no grades and the teachers existed to answer any and all questions the students asked or to facilitate any projects they wanted to undertake. Te flourished at the school and was soon passing all her fellow students in the area of math and wrote an accurate algorithm which compiled weather data and could predict Monsoon rain levels anywhere in Hong Kong and the surrounding islands by the hour and proposed linking it with storm water control systems data and predict any potential flooding problems in the city; and she was only 12 Two weeks before the lottery Te was accepted to Cambridge on a Math Fellowship; needless to say she wasn’t happy when she boarded the ship. Weapons- Other-[/hider]