Abel kept walking. Part of his mind wondering if he would have to buy another hat after all this rain. The far more feline side of himself was nearly howling at him to get out of the wet and into somewhere dry. Anywhere dry. A huff escaped him and he finally managed to look where he was going but too late. Abel bumped into a guy. A guy with a book and a Bluetooth and his arm was finally too much for him to ignore. He looked down to the words scrolled onto his arm to notice it basically glowing at this point. He stared at it before his bright blue eyes finally gazed upon the guy. [color=pink]"....I'm sorry.....Uhm....are you Owen?"[/color] a mix of emotions hit his voice. He was nervous as hell...what if this guy wasn't Owen...or wasn't the right Owen. Abels gaze under his hat was one of hope. His emotions very easily read in his eyes. In the back of his mind he had a weird feeling. As if something he couldn't quite see was there watching him. That really didn't help the situation for him.