[h3]Ep. 4[/h3] [@Member 00492] [@WXer] [@Burning Kitty] [b]Blue Valley, Nebraska[/b] Lobo didn't waste any time trying to stop the guys blasting him once he'd recovered from the low blow and stomach shot. The pale alien biker gripped a tree and uprooted it from the ground and sent it flying at the man in the car and the other in the mecha suit. Bulleteer took a note from Solara's playbook and gave the guy some of what he was dishing out and uprooted a tree and threw it at the alien merc. The tree knocked the Czarnian down but it wasn't enough to do any real damage. Lobo pulled a gun from a holster on his hip that looked like something out of a Halo video game and started blasting at anything that was moving. "FRAG THIS!" he screamed. "I'm not even supposed to be here today! I got business in sector 2820 tomorrow!" Lobo then pulled out some seemingly mystical grenade/rune and tossed it in the air that would release binding energies to get these people off of him. Sadly the only guy who was seemingly close enough for the energy to hit was Bulleteer. The hero looked as if he was being burned by a ring of energy burying his back in the ground, like a kid stuck in a tire swing made out of lava. The mystical nature of the weapon was likely to piss off the Kryptonians. As a merc it paid to know things. He approached the kid with the bullet head and blasted him in the face only to notice the protective aura the helmet projected around the young hero. "Is that Nth metal? Maybe crashing on this backwater planet won't be a complete waste of my time..." he said leaning in closer. "Guys!? Anybody..?" James screamed for help as the Main Man's smile looked a bit too sinister for his liking. "This guy is gonna rip my head clean off just to get this damn helmet. Why'd I have to make a helmet... why not some wings or something..." Bulleteer thought to himself as the brute came closer. Before Lobo could carry out his intentions, Polarity Man would imitate Bulleteer's earlier maneuver and tackle the alien menace but with a held blaster charge; an electrical burst at close range would hit the Czarnian first before the entire accelerated mass of the Patroller suit crashed on top of Lobo. "Just rename me Crash Man, buddy." said Polarity Man before attempting to break the runic bindings with his suit's mechanical hands. "Did anybody see which way Superman went flying after that low blow?" Bulleteer asked picking himself up after the runic energy faded. "GET OFF ME TIN MAN!" Lobo screamed punching at the mecha suited hero a mere twenty or so meters from where Bulleteer was standing before taking his hook and chain and ripping at the hero's left arm and damaged shoulder. The pale bastich turned and caught eye of James getting to his feet and threw the hook still attached to the chain around his right forearm, "That dumb helmet of your friend there's worth enough to buy me three new bikes!" Lobo continued. Bulleteer liked the Matrix-like ability to stop projectiles in front of him. He grabbed the chain, and with his incredible strength jerked the Czarnian off of Polarity Man. "That bike of yours is pretty cool. I think it would look better with me on it." Solara said getting on the bike using her own powers to make it fly. "You think you're the only chick who's ever been on the Main Man's cycle?" Lobo asked spitting up dirt picking himself up off the ground, "Honey you don't even make the first hundred blondes that've been on that bike!" he continued taunting, pressing a button on his belt to activate defense systems on the bike to make it explode with the Kryptonian was still on it. After crashing to the ground Solara stands up and dusts herself off. "Honey those other girls may have come first but I was the only one who made it look good. Not even you made it look good. A barbarian like you can only make a prison jumpsuit look good." She then used her heat vision on his gun hand. She didn't do enough to really hurt him in the long haul but enough to make shooting difficult and painful. -00492