Character Sheet for Abraham Clay of the Children of Atom [hider=My Hider]Name: Abraham Clay Birth Name: Joseph Elliot Age: Mid-to late forties Appearance: Abraham is a tall man with a somewhat slight build, his skin burned and browned from years under the hot wasteland sun. He has a short but full and thick black beard with a peppering of grey. He has roughly shoulder length hair that is usually kept tied up in a small ponytail or bun, like his beard it is streaked with grey. Sex: Male Skills: From his slaving days Abraham remains proficient in close quarters combat and in subduing an individual in a non-lethal way. Likewise Abraham is skilled with firearms, but prefers rifles and shotguns to pistols and submachine guns. Over time Abraham has grown as a leader and is able to draw upon natural charisma to endear those around to him. He is an experienced tracker and outdoorsmen, capable of surviving without many resources. Weapons & armor/clothing: Abraham keeps a shoulder holster with a .44 revolver under his left arm and a belt with a knife around his waist. Unlike other members of the Church, Abraham wear tall boots, with another knife in the right one. When going out for a time Abraham wears webbing, not unlike that worn by slavers and raiders. In the pouches are everything from water and rations to extra ammo and grenades. He covers theses weapons and webbing with the simple robes of a member of the Church. For weapons Abraham uses a radium rifle when in battle but keeps a double barrel shotgun for home defense and hunting. (Previous) Occupation(s): Slaver Faction: Church of Atom Backstory: Born and raised in the Capital Wasteland, Abraham was originally named Joseph Elliot. He was slaver working around the Capital Wasteland and the DC ruins under his boss Leroy Walker. Joseph’s slaving crew was assigned with hunting down escaped slaves with finding and eliminating the Temple of the Union and Hannibal Hamlin’s band of freedom fighters. Once found, a siege was enacted and upon the final assault Hamlin’s band was scattered and those that could not flee were either captured or killed. The slavers were allowed little celebration however, just before they were to head back to a safe house at the scrapyard, they were attacked. A gang of mutants from Germantown had been attracted by the noise and descended upon the slaver crew. The fighting was fierce but brief and the slavers were forced to split up and flee. Joseph fled with Silas and another slaver and took refuge at an old hermit’s shack near the scrapyard. They forced the old woman at gun point to take them in and hand over supplies. In process one slaver was killed and Silas wounded. Joseph took Silas with him though eventually left his fellow slaver as the man became dead weight. He dumped Silas near the Potomac with a pistol with one bullet before moving on. Wounded and weary himself Joseph learned them mutants had picked up his trail and were now hunting him. He sought shelter in the ruins of Springvale but was ambushed and captured by a band of raiders. They tortured and brutalized Joseph until he was bale to escape. He didn’t make it far and would have been found and killed or died of exposure had it not been for Silver, a junkie living in the ruins who took Joseph in. She made contact with Doc Church in Megaton who agreed to patch Joseph up. Once in his care, Church recognized Joseph from his time with slavers and though he still helped him, made him swear not to reveal the truth. Wounded and seeking to be killed in his weakened state Joseph feigned amnesia and sought to create a new identity. His rehabilitation lasted months and the only ones willing to care for him during that time was the congregation of the Children of Atom. Eventually he grew to understand and support the faith and once he was fully healed became an acolyte for the Church. Joseph assumed the named Abraham Clay and spoke of how he was ‘reborn’ as a true child and servant of Atom. He served in the Capital Wasteland doing humanitarian work and spreading the faith. Eventually going away to work in the Commonwealth and it is there that Abraham now finds himself. Having assumed unofficial command over the Crater House congregation.[/hider]