[h1] Exeba, [/h1] [h2]home to Avaladona and ungracefull [/h2] On the northeastern border of the continent Exeba, there lies a dense forrestlike biome. It is probably the most lively of places, though there are many that travel through here. The sargomians that live here are peacefull towards eachother. Though many creatures, illnesses and other dangers lurk the deeper parts of the woods, in the safe-haven, that is the town of Ava, there's a great joy ongoing. Visitors came from a long travel and had to be given an acute emergency labor. It had taken hours. But eventually, there was nothing more they could do. Many people had gathered outside to hear the names of the 50 healthy newborns that survived both pregnancy and birth. As the names were called of by proud fathers and mothers, (mostly fathers) the rumors began to spread.. ("oh, i'm certain these boys and girls will grow up to be explorers!") Not too long after the parents of most decided to stay in Ava. And let their children play safely in their woods. [@Skrubsetsu]