Abel nodded again. He was feeling incredibly awkward...awkward and giddy. He took a second before moving...an odd feline grace to the way he walked which didn't really fit the cowboy self. That never did help with the bullying when he was younger, but he had come to terms with it. Abel made sure to walk next to Owen instead of shoot ahead to get out of the rain sooner. He navigated the place easily. Taking occasionally short cuts until eventually, they reached an apartment building. Abel paused before looking at Owen. [color=pink]"I hope this is okay...I...really don't like rain"[/color] Abel couldn't shake a hint of uneasiness he still had. Old fears creeping up now that he was face to face with the name that had been on his arm for so long. His hands were in his pockets making him seem like he was fine. At least...he thought it did.