Berry started at Turalee’s sudden entrance and held her hand across her chest, trying to convince her heart that she wasn’t being attacked again. “Good Gracious.” She murmured to herself. The gun had barely a speck dust on it and appeared to have been well looked after. The cold metal chilled her fingers and palms and the sight of the gun made her stomach churn uncomfortably and a memory from her circus days made itself known. She ignored the memory and focussed on the gun in her hands, the cold metal resting in her palms, examining it but not daring to fiddle. “I’m afraid I’m not entirely sure how to use a firearm.” She placed it heavily on the table. “Been a few years since I held one myself so I’m a tad rusty at best. Sorry, what did you say your name was again?” Berry then began to ask Turalee more detailed questions. To her it seemed prudent that they took the time to make a detailed list of what exactly they had and write it down, Berry produced a small notebook that reminded her to pick up eggs, and set to work taking inventory. Vincents outburst gave her another start. “Oh, for goodness sakes!” Berry snapped “It’s not going to help anyone if you throw a fuss!” “Might I ask what’s wrong at least?” She continued after clicking her tongue in annoyance.