Owen was not trying to bother Abel but he loved the idea of teasing the other man. He had a very cute blush and Abel seemed to be the type not to do anything too creepy in the apartment. That was the only reason Owen was still following him. Owen got the feeling that Abel might be even more sheltered than he was and that was saying something. Owen had been right about the cat thing. Abel was a were snow leopard"[color=00aeef]Do you have a last name? Now it makes sense. The ghosts are freaking out about you. You are a gigantic walking cat. They start freaking out over house cats. I mean you are bigger than that.[/color]"Owen joked again. When he got nervous, he started to joke around. This was a rather stressful time in his life. "[color=00aeef]Can I get you a towel or something? I mean you are soaking wet. I would hate for you to drown in all that water.[/color]" Owen asked as he walked inside with him. "[color=00aeef]Nice place you got here. Oh sorry about the ghosts. They tend to flock around me.[/color]" Owen said looking around the room.