"DAAR LAS NI MORWITIJAAL..." The voice that speaks is like thunder and earthquakes. It comes from a man dressed in tattered purple robes and aged golden armor, floating in the air like a puppet dangling on its strings. What little of his visible flesh are withered grayish hands and feet and an impossibly thin waist. His face, however, is hidden behind a vibrant wooden mask. "NI SETKIIRJORI NU DAAR AAL OFANJIIK ZU'U ZOK." [hider=OOC]"This is not Morwitjaal..." "None of my dolls yet this may entertain me more." [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/relics-of-hyrule/images/a/ae/Majora%27sPriest.jpg[/img][/hider]