Abel blinked as a bunch of questions hit him. He managed a quirk of a smile before setting down his hat. [color=pink]"I do...but I kind of don't...my family"[/color] he trailed off before shaking his head. He caught the joke and chuckled. His soulmate seemed to be the type to joke when stressed. Considering how clammed up he was....that certainly wasn't a bad thing. [color=pink]"It's okay I'll get myself cleaned up"[/color] Abel said as he moved toward what seemed to be the laundry room. Overall, it was a fairly small apartment, but not cramped. It was a one bedroom one bathroom set up with an open concept. The furniture seemed built for comfort and was mostly brown in color. Warm tones abound. Abel padded back out in a different not wet outfit and made his way to the kitchen. [color=pink]"I don't mind ghosts. Just feel weird for a bit."[/color] he paused before tilting his head. [color=pink]"Make yourself comfortable....oh do you want anything to eat or drink"[/color] that southern hospitality coming out as he stood there.