[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Zoie's House [hr][hr][/center] Mali watched Zoie leave before stifling a yawn of her own. She had been feeling sleepy long before anyone else in the farm had, so by this point she had gotten quite a bit groggy. She looked at the picture still in her hand. Zoie didn't ask for it back or anything, so she probably didn't direly need it. She probably had copies (physical or otherwise), but on the off-chance she didn't, Mali decided to keep track of it. But not before securing a copy of her own. One quick phone photo later, she tucked away the image into the front cover of one of her books and made her way to the guest room. She'd use it as a bookmark to keep her place. Yeah it might get damaged a bit, but it would be fine. As for what book exactly that she'd want to read before hitting the hay. What little she'd read of the romance novel soured her on going any further down that route. Yeah she could get to reading on Ancient Egypt, but she had just spent awhile talking about it, and could end up devoting a lot more of her future on that particular subject. Which left The Rising Dragon, the one book that she was most excited and most dreading reading. Part of her contemplated just going to bed right away and avoid confronting the horrid taste of the teenage self. Wait, why was she so afraid? It's just a book. Thus Mali steeled herself and dug in. Much to her surprise, the book was just as good as she remembered. It was by no means perfect, but it was like sharing a meal with an old friend. About 50 pages in she had to stop herself lest she not get any sleep for the rest of the night.