[@Write] [hider=Persephone] Small adjustment to sleep: Sleep: As long as Persephone can catch someone's eyes she can force them into a nightmare of sorts. They will face a memory they do not want to face, a past action perhaps. Afterwards they will be given a glimpse of their happiest memory, but will not be allowed to complete. This can trap someone for up to twenty minutes, though they will snap out of it if they experience serious pain. Industria et Humanitas: Persephone can inspire a small town or village to become better people. Essentially forgiving them for their sins and imbuing them with kindness and diligence. While it may not be as useful in a fight, she can set a village straight with this ability. Making it incredibly powerful. [/hider] [@Lord Zee] Onto Thran, sorry for the wait! [hider=Thran] I'm assuming you'll edit in his clothing appearance later down the line when you can properly express it :D I love how detailed his background is <3 Can you name his home clan and give it a small paragraph so I can add it up to the rooster? It is likely a representative or two will be at the gathering at least. Looking forward to finish reading Disparity when it's complete :D I really like how in depth you got into how he became mortal too! With a simple touch, weak wounds are healed and moderate wounds reduced in severity. non lethal, non-magical diseases and ailments are also permanently cured. Provides a small buff to the immune system for the next twelve hours. This ability cannot cure fatal wounds, maimed limbs or inflictions difficult to treat such as magical injuries. Suppression: Pick whether you want to negate god powers or spells/abilities. Starlight: This can currently either be picking one of the types (armor, tool, weapon specifically) with the potential blind on it. Or it can be the three types of objects without the extra possibility of blinding. So basically: power or extra utility. Stellar Impact: Summoning a meteor which is an insta-kill over an area is more an ultimate ability then anything, so you might want to either figure out smething new for this slot or move this up to the ultimate slot (but you have a really cool ultimate slot ability, so :D) The everstar wish: Can you define what it means to be pure of heart? As for the wish part, it's a very cool idea. Since it is so unique this ability would probably have to be dealt with on a case by case basis when used (e.g. five wishes made in one era would be very small wishes verses one single big wish) You might want to limit this to only God's making wishes or perhaps key NPCs: for the reason above, but I'll leave that up to you. Alternatively there may be a finite amount of wishes that take place, and there is some sort of filtering based on the "pure of heart"ness of the wish. But anyway, we'll start from what the pure of heart thing means and work from there how we flesh it out :D[/hider] Gah, I'm still a bit behind but should be able to catch up with you two [@luckofthedraw][@ihinka] tommorrow <3 Also I'd like to go through the sheets again soon and check where everyone is at with the changes and what they'd like to discuss :D