Feeling her head get pulled back and turned to face her current ‘leader’ she didn’t make a noise, outside of a few popping bones from the stiffness she had from tunnelling. It was one thing to be at a distance and looking into those blank holes of nothing, quite another to be face to face and touching it. Of course the Orc could feel something, faint as it was, but that something was the slow rhythmic beat of her heart. Her naturally cold tone returning to her voice as she spoke to the creature that had her. “Murder, survival. Killing and eating. Research continues despite, [i]current[/i] set back.” She didn’t really have a tone of mallus or intent, nor even that of sarcasm, however her intent was there. This child before her was never going to survive when she got close, let alone get away. A lone child with not but a butter knife and a small wooden disk it could barely manage to hold. It was a threat, yet small still a threat and all threats big or small needed to be resolved for they might interrupt her work. With her head still turned away from the boy she smiled slightly. Her current form, despite being more brutish did provide a nice set for fighting, how her leader recognized her was given away by the skull itself. Slowly she reached up and held the headpiece, lowering her body to remove the skill. The sight, was something from a graveyard. Returning to full hunched over height the shaman looked at her captain, what that skull hid was all but right. An eldritch abomination would have described it more accurately. Perhaps another unforeseen side effect of collecting DNA, or sorting it onto one's own, either way what looked back at the man was another skull, with bits of flesh and tendons attached at the jaw and neck to move it around. While her mouth still functioned to feed and nourish, and eyes that still could see the world, what was found in her teeth was the strange part. A sister stone to the one she used for casting, planted right in her jaw, in the fleshy tissue that still persisted if only to hold the teeth in place. She was no reanimation that was sure, and every design she did was for purpose not for looks, this however was the main reason the skull was used to hide her face, or more accurately hide it. Turning to the child she opened her jaw slightly as her tongue licked across the exposed teeth. “Flesh for nourishment, mass for research. This is my work.” That monotone voice and unwavering intent escaped those eyes. Long had any sense of competition been dead in that gaze, on the insatiable hunger for advancing her craft. She could've fixed the problem with her face, but deemed it useless for her ends. Perfection was impossible, but one could always chase it.