Yami picked up on this act though did nothing, the spikey haired boy didnt like the fague answer but he let it be, not wanting to upset her by pushing the subject. [i]'A-Alright. I understand. Just know if there is something on your please. I will listen.'[/i] He assured. "Hey Yug'. Lets get inside and warm up a little." Joey requested of him of which Yugi nodded and went with Joey inside. Inside the ship of which they would be bunking with many other Duelists, Yugi seemed not bothered by this news while Joey on the other hand wasnt too thrilled. "Where can we get some decent rooms here?" Yugi quickly grabbed his friend's arm and looks to him. "Joeeyy." Yugi hissed in concern and warning. "Do you want to be kicked off this ship?" trying to reason with him of which Joey calmed quick. He looked to Yugi and placed an arm on his shoulder before looking to the voice of which spoke. "Only the Champions that won regionals were given the luxury rooms." Weevil told the two as Yugi let go of Joey's arm. "Here Yugi. Let me let you in on a little secret." Weevil said as he moved closer to Yugi of whom was unsure what to think about being told something like this. "See everyone trading amongst each other? Everyone is trying to strengthen their decks. Not only that but they are learning each others decks so they can get to know their strategies." the teal haired boy said. Yugi looked to all that were trading and suddening seeing Joey looking to others among the crowd to trade cards with. Yugi could only smile. "Well. At least Joey is having fun." Yugi concluded as he saw his friend seeming to find someone who was willing to do so. "Sure! Lets see what we can do for each other. "Name's Jaden." Later on, Yugi was back outside as Joey came back with excitement. "Yugi! I got some cool cards!" Joey declared proudly as he held them out for Yugi to see. Yugi looked at the three casrds he got. "Baby Dragon, Sheild and Sword, and Kunai with Chain? Good pick Joey, and good cards to get you out of some stivky situations. Here. I have something that can help as well." Yugi declared as he opened the golden box that had held the puzzle pieces. Pulling out a card, he handed it to Joey. Taking the card, Wheeler looked at ti to reveal that it was Time Wizard. "You sure Yug'?" Yugi nodded. If you combine use his ability to a monster, that monster can become really powerful." Yugi advised. Joey smiled for he looked to the new cards and seemed fond of them already. This was cut sort however when Weevil entered the area and towards Yugi. "I was always fond of the deck you hold, especially Exodia." he stated. He looked a little shy about something. "May I...see them?" he asked. Yugi seemed unsure at first but didnt see much harm. "Well, alright...just please be careful with them." Yugi said as he handed the cards to Weevil. The Bug Duelist beamed as he held the Exodia pieces. "This is amazing. Quite an honor." he walked toward the railing of which Yugi watched but noticed something off. "Weevil?" Yugi questioned. Weevil ignored him though. And in the blink of an eye the unthinkable happened and the cards left Weevil's hand and fluttering towards the sea. Yugi was left is shock. "No!" was all he could say as he went to the railing, Weevil laughed and began to walk away. He was though shoved as someone bumped into the teal haired duelist. "What the heck man! How could you?!" he yelled as Joey took off his jacket and let it rest on the floor. "Hang on Yugi, ill get them." Joey said as he then dived into the ocean and surfaced and retrieving what he could. "Joey!" Yugi called out. [i]'Yuki! The blondie jumped in!'[/i] a female shouted, that Yugi and Shadow could hear. Yugi turned over to see transparent female with white, black, and litght purple skin, long wild hair that halved of white and a dark cobalt blue with black and purple wings. Eyes yellow and teal one could describe her overall as a demon or friend like monster between being a male and a female. The boy who was holding Weevil by his shirt dropped him and ran for the railing. A kid about Yugi's age yet between Joey and Yugi's height with buoyant brown and light brown hair, large honey eyes and wearing a red jacket of which he took off with a black shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers. "Hey. Go ahead and get the rope ladder. Ill go get your friend." the boy said before diving in. The she demon stayed where she was and watched the boy as he was rescuing Joey. Yugi did as he was told and grabbed the rope ladder, letting it unravel for the two as Jaden swam over to it. By then two more people entered the fray and began lifting the ladder with Yugi, Tristen and Tea.