[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9b/e4/fa/9be4fa53bb4d788b9f6203d01c79e29e--sexy-guys-hot-guys.jpg[/img] [hr] [quote=Mikill Stanford]Who's ready to have a great time?[/quote] [url=https://youtu.be/DDOrNeBpsKs]Thunder[/url] [hr] [h3]Name[/h3] Mikill "Micheal" Stanford [h3]Age[/h3] 16 [h3]Gender[/h3] Male [h3]Description[/h3] Michael stands at 5'9" with blue-green eyes and long blonde hair, which is usually up in a ponytail. He resembles his father greatly. [h3]Personality[/h3] Michael likes to joke around and pretend he greater than everybody, the shell of hiding his true feelings. Like his father, Michael acts boldly and with passion. He loves to be the center of attention and loves to talk about both himself and his journeys, a little selfishly it seems. Once you get past his outside shell, Micheal is a total sweetheart. He will stop talking and listen, giving advice if it's necessary. He has many friends, but not many are "true friends". Just a facade added to his image. [h3]Sexuality[/h3] Demisexual, biromantic [h3]Godly Anscestor[/h3] Thor - God of the Lightning [h3]Son/Daughter or Further Removed[/h3] Son [h3]Relationship with Godly Ancestor[/h3] Michael has met his father a few times. His father is usually out and about, doing whatever he does, but also makes time for his son. They swap stories of their lives and Thor teaches him fighting skills and how to be "a man". [h3]Relationship with Mortal Family[/h3] He has grown up with his mother in an apartment. Grown up probably isn't the right word, rather he has lived there. He and his mother rarely actually [i]talk[/i] and barely even know each other. [h3]Powers[/h3] [b][i]Superhuman strength:[/i][/b] The ability to lift and take a massive amount [b][i]Atmokinesis & Electrokinesis[/i][/b]: The ability to call on storms and lightning at will [h3]Backstory[/h3] Mikill was a surprise to his mother. How can one not know they are pregnant until labor? He still doesn't know the answer. It was at the age of four when his father decided to show up, revealing to his mother, Abigail, that she had, in fact, slept with a Norse god. His mother had named him Micheal, which sounded like Mikill to the God of Storms. Mikill means "great" in Norse, and so that's what his name ended up becoming. Abigail distanced herself from her demigod son, not sure quite how to raise him. She tried to raise him like a normal child, but it was clear he was different. His father would come around every now and then to help his son, but other than that Mikill basically grew up by himself. The only conversations he and his mother really had were what were they going to eat for dinner, if he needed money, or things similar to that. He really began discovering his powers at the end of middle school, beginning of highschool. When he heard talk of New Celestia, he decided that was probably the best place for him to be. [h3]Misc[/h3] -Prefers to fight with a Norse war hammer, much like his father with Mjolnir -He has a pendant around his neck bearing the symbol of the God of Thunder, a present from the god himself [/center]