Abel chuckled at the last name suggestion before moving out of the kitchen. He found himself calming down around Owen. Even with the feeling of spirits he was more relaxed. He took that as a good sign. Abel managed to look at Owen when he glared. He blinked before it sunk in that the look was probably not meant for him. There was probably a spirit somewhere being annoying. That might take some getting used to, but he was sure he could. He stood for a moment before sitting in a chair facing Owen. [color=pink]"Thank you...You can't possibly be comfortable standing there"[/color] At least Owen didn't look comfortable. He nodded at the question. [color=pink]"Sure."[/color] He smiled a slow smile at the mention of wanting to know more about him since his name had been on Owens arm for such a long time. [color=pink]"I like snow leopards but....I don't really know much about..well myself"[/color] His head tilted. [color=pink]"How about you? Any favorites?"[/color]