[@Mae] As soon as he landed in a dumpster, he thought he'd be safe, at last.. not having to worry about people, he would have really been happy if he had just hit an innocent housecat and that would have been the end of it. He had 2 deeper breaths before his calming moment would be ruined. When he heard a squeeky voice shaking the dumpster, all his blood retracted from his face. Clenching his fists together, he knew he'd have to do something in order to get her away or she'd see him. He wispered to himself, echoing through the dumpster loudly "Oh, no"... in a deep dark voice and him whispering "shh.. shh.. shh.." His head now turned redhot and his heart was beating in his chest. He tried to get up. Though the floor was slippery and him moving arround in the dumpster made a lot of noises...