[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/wolves-rise-against-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170717/f014c5e5e2806e1a0d503dc2e2ca8198.png[/img][/url][/center] Almost as if Zekha's thoughts towards Twi'lek and their off putting head tails were ripped from his mind, fabricated behind the curtain, and sent forth as idle thought made flesh came a towering blue Twi'lek, as if Shai had a twin that absorbed all of the growth hormones and testosterone in the womb and came out from behind the curtain as a personal slight against the Dug. Zekha grunted as the captain introduced "Woo'Rah". [I]What an utterly stupid name.[/I] he thought irritably, deciding he wanted to watch Woosie, as Zekha decided to think of her, and the Wookiee square off in a fight. Now he doubly wanted to know exactly what Woosie was working on out of sight, but at least he didn't have to worry about her mucking up his job. She was temporary, point A to B, credits change hands and everyone goes on their merry way... or so Zekha hoped. In his experience, things seldom did what he wished them to. Were that the case, he'd be filthy rich in the Inner Core with a palace and a droid army and... "Nice to meet ya then, pardner. You sound like yer quite the capable type. Here's hopin' my ears ain't deceiving me." Baarsuth's voice broke into Zekha's musings, bringing him to a much less enjoyable reality. "I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. If I say I can do something, then that's that. You say you can fly this ship, then I trust you didn't make an empty boast to get the job." he looked around at the [I]Phoenix[/I]'s cargo hold. "I suspect you weren't exactly fighting for the honour." He concluded. Varen closed the ramps in anticipation for departure, confident most of his hires weren't going to back out like some kind of spineless newts, and while everyone was focused on figuring out who the hell "Bo" was, Zekha decided he was going to find out what was behind the curtain. "Hey, Woosie, if you ain't crew, then what kind of project was so important it couldn't wait until we weren't in port?" he called out, heading to where she had emerged from minutes prior. "Y'know, people who spend their shore leave tucked away in a dingy ship instead of out doing something respectable like sucking back death sticks or betting on animal fights draw a lot of questions of the uncomfortable variety." Zekha glanced back at her, reaching for the curtain.