[hider=Avilus Brimhild, the Laughing General] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/pLGcsn4.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SrUmHBj.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LXjnQ74.png[/img][/center] [h3][b][i][color=FFCD27][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FFCD27]Name:[/color][/b] Avilus Brimhild [b][color=FFCD27]Aliases:[/color][/b] The Laughing General [b][color=FFCD27]Titles:[/color][/b] Grand General [b][color=FFCD27]Age:[/color][/b] 22 [b][color=FFCD27]Time of Death:[/color][/b] 4300 years ago. [b][color=FFCD27]Place of Origin:[/color][/b] Hibyan [b][color=FFCD27]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [h3][b][i][color=FFCD27][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FFCD27]Eyes:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=FFCD27]Hair:[/color][/b] Black [b][color=FFCD27]Day To Day Attire:[/color][/b] Avilus wears anything that's large and hides his figure. Regular clothes don't do at all - mostly because he's 7 feet tall and tired of trying to make clothes that actually fit. [b][color=FFCD27]Strengths:[/color][/b][list][*]Genius Tactician [*]Never Unhappy[*]Humorous[/list][b][color=FFCD27]Weaknesses:[/color][/b][list][*]No physical combat ability [*]Insecure[/list] [h3][b][i][color=FFCD27][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=FFCD27][center]Joyous * Lighthearted * Lowbrow * Humorous[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=FFCD27]Sexuality:[/color][/b] "Who knows? Ehehe..." [b][color=FFCD27]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=FFCD27]Personality:[/color][/b] Avilus is a jokester. Despite his prestigious position, he is unable to take his life seriously and constantly says things he doesn't mean. Everything he says is usually a bunch of trash, meant to make (mostly himself) laugh. Even so, he constantly makes jokes at other's expenses. He finds them especially funny. In battle, Avilus calms down. He takes a rather serious demeanor - more disconnected than anything else. He becomes a brutal pragmatist that takes whatever solution would be best. He isn't afraid of retreat or losing a single battle. After all, he's willing to sacrifice a few losses to win the war. He's a happy man, all things considered. He has a rather large ego. After all, he was promoted to the general of an army at 15. Because of this large ego, he considers himself to be an extraordinary everything. Especially dancing. Sadly, he's a terrible dancer. Still thinks that he's amazing, though. [h3][b][i][color=FFCD27][center]Skills & Abilities[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [list][*][b][color=FFCD27]Tactician Magician (Master):[/color][/b] Avilus is a genius when it comes to tactics. His eye for detail is impeccable. His ability to control a fight's outcome is undeniable, not to mention his talent for utilizing others to their full potential. His combat abilities are, by far, lacking, but his magical power is still above average for a hero. As a tactician, he is skilled in evoking, abjuration, and divination. [*][b][color=FFCD27]Tactical Reverse Advancement (Expert):[/color][/b] Avilus can run extraordinarily fast, but only while being chased. It's rather embarrassing and Avilus would rather forget about this talent of his. [*][b][color=FFCD27]Oculi Terra (Spell - Divination):[/color][/b] The user can sense things around them. Without requiring vision, they can sense the near landscape and anything in it. The ability normally has a radius of about 100 metres, but the user can meditate and ignore all other senses to extend the range. [*][b][color=FFCD27]Parma Divum (Spell - Abjuration):[/color][/b] The user ejects all things they consider evil from an 8 meter radius and creates an impassable barrier around the perimeter. The barrier, while able to be destroyed, is still extremely durable. The spell is rather exhausting to use for a long period of time. [*][b][color=FFCD27]Anima Tutor (Spell - Abjuration):[/color][/b] The user creates a barrier around an object. The barrier is extraordinarily strong - able to fend off the basic attacks of even a hero. [*][b][color=FFCD27]Dolus Ignus (Spell - Evocation):[/color][/b] The user creates an invisible mine out of mana. When the mine is disturbed, it erupts into an explosion of flame. Though weak for a hero, the user can create dozens at once. The mines last for an indefinite time, but take a toll on the users stamina. [*][b][color=FFCD27]Telum Gelus (Spell - Evocation):[/color][/b] The user creates a spear out of ice, freezing whatever comes into contact with it. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=FFCD27][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FFCD27]Backstory:[/color][/b] The great library Hibyan lay to the east. It was so large that a city sprung around it, looking to learn from the books. A boy named Avilus was born in the library. While the boy's formative years were not of note, his parents had been rather absent from his life. As such, his only teacher were the books. He learned of ancient kingdoms and romances, great histories and strategies. The library was amazing to him. The boy wished only to read - and for the first twelve years of his life, he read any book he could find. Though, that came to an end when other nations attacked. Hibyan was no longer the safe haven of knowledge it once was. All citizens were to be drafted in a last ditch attempt from others stealing and destroying the knowledge they held. Avilus was conscripted as a footman. Of course, their military was a joke. A militia consisting of countrymen using pitchforks and shovels. They were quickly pushed back, barely able to defend against the oncoming raiders and soldiers. In one particular meeting, the few generals Hibyan possessed tried to form a strategy to defend the land. Avilus was there - not as a general, but as a guard. Avilus, for some reason, began to laugh. The strategies the generals were trying to use were all terrible. No matter how hard he tried to stifle it, he would laugh. It got to the point where he fell over and began to strike the ground. A general, so ashamed from this soldier, asked if he could do better. Avilus quickly snapped out a yes and continued to laugh. The general left. Seeing how they wouldn't get anywhere with their current strategies, the remaining generals, in an act of desperation, agreed to let Avilus be a general. After all, they were willing to try anything. Thus began five years of ambushes and traps. Hibyan managed to hold on, much to the surprise of the remaining generals. All because of Avilus' strategies. Hibyan began to build walls - to the point of becoming more wall than city. Slowly becoming safe, Avilus had gained notoriety as the man who turned a useless library into an impenetrable fortress. Rumors spiraled into legends. The tale of a foot soldier who outsmarted even the smartest generals crossed the land, cementing its place in history. As quickly as he appeared, Avilus vanished. The city continued his strategy, despite lacking any guidance. Soon, Hibyan would become the lost library - a mysterious place holding all knowledge in the world, but so heavily defended that it would be impossible to enter. [b][color=FFCD27]Myth:[/color][/b] Legends tell of the time that Avilus accidentally entered an enemy encampment. He saw their force as so pitiful he began to laugh. They got angry and took arms. Avilus fled. They chased him. The chase lasted for days, but they could never catch him. Until Avilus stopped. He stood still. The soldiers, so insulted, charged him. The weight of their force caused the ground to collapse. Weeks earlier, Avilus had dug a hole and covered it, prepared to get the group to fall into the hole. Another time, Avilus managed to get the enemy general, a master chess player, to play with him. The enemy general accepted, and the two fought. Avilus decided to toss out all of the pieces except for his king and a single pawn. The enemy general, insulted by this act, flipped the table in rage and demanded that Avilus left. Months earlier, Avilus had prepared the table to explode seconds after it was quickly flipped. Avilus ran away. Extremely quickly. There was also the legend that Avilus built many replica libraries, filled with books that would explode when opened. To this day, it is said that if you find a book in the middle of nowhere, don't open it, as it will explode. Avilus will neither confirm nor deny any of the stories. They're too funny to him. [h3][b][i][color=FFCD27][center]Relations[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=FFCD27][center]* ☠ Enemy * ⚜ Unfriendly * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ღ Ally * ♥ Crush/Significant Other * [/center][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=FFCD27]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FFCD27]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FFCD27]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FFCD27]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FFCD27]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FFCD27]Name:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [h3][b][i][color=FFCD27][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FFCD27]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "I could tell you anything, but you'd never believe it, ehehe..." [b][color=FFCD27]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At52XGlZ_3Y]Despite his dark appearances...[/url] [b][color=FFCD27]Anything Else:[/color][/b] Despite being 7 feet tall, he still extends his height with the head on his clothes actually being a hat. This makes him basically 8 feet tall. He finds it hilarious. [/hider]