[hider=Now we just need relations] [center][img]http://www.standard.net/image/2014/06/20/800x_a16-9_b0_q80_p1_ca17,136,1956,1493_cTC/RL-062014-Tyler-Skidmore-Roy-QB-2-1.jpg[/img] [h1][b]Noah J. Ward[/b][/h1] [h3]What's your name?[/h3] [i]Noah. Ward. Middle name's Jacob.[/i] [h3]How old are you?[/h3] [i]Sixteen going on seventeen, last I checked. Junior year, am I right?[/i] [h3]What do you look like?[/h3] [i]You tell me. I cracked six feet, so that's something, even if everyone thinks I'm Godzilla now. Something like 180 lbs. of pure muscle thanks to all the work I do on the family farm. I'm probably not the cleanest guy in school, but when you have to drive several miles into town after morning chores just for a high school diploma you gotta prioritize. If it weren't for the dirt stains on my clothes and my lack of Letterman jacket I'd probably look like a stereotype. Or maybe I just look like a farmer stereotype instead of a jock. Dang. At least I don't wear a cowboy hat.[/i] [h3]Do you have any hobbies?[/h3] [i]I figure the obvious answer is football, considering I'm on the team. But I just love being outdoors and in the open air, especially if said air doesn't reek of whatever's in that paper mill. I know it's not exactly a big thing up here but I tried amateur rodeo once. Got a cracked rib for my trouble. Maybe I'll try and convince my parents to let me get a motorcycle license. Could you imagine?[/i] [h3]What are some things that you especially dislike?[/h3] [i]I like to keep things positive. I'm sure if we started talking about politics there'd be something or other, but for the most part, if you're not an asshole, we're not gonna have any problems. I'll just avoid you otherwise as long as you're not pulling anything in front of me.[/i] [h3]What are your goals for the future? Both immediate and long-term.[/h3] [i]Well, since my older sister decided to become a veterinarian, I'm probably the child that's supposed to inherit the farm assuming I don't magically make the NFL or something. Maybe I'll go to college if I can get a decent scholarship somewhere. I haven't really thought about it in the long term. As for right now, I'm just trying to get throw life one day at a time.[/i] [h3]What's your home life like? Specifically, what is your relationship like with your parents?[/h3] [i]No different than what you'd expect, right? I'm the second oldest of four kids with two sisters and a brother. My father likes to take me and my brother camping every now and then, but that's slowed down the past couple of years. Bad harvests, y'know? We've turned the family house into a bit of a zoo with the sheer amount of dogs and cats prowling around. Blame my sisters. I may give my sister crap because I have to take care of her pets while she's away, but it's all in good fun, nothing but love in our family.[/i] [h3]What's your favorite animal, and why?[/h3] [i]Well, it's hard to be raised on a farm and not have a certain soft spot for cows and chickens and pigs, right? Though in truth I've never met an animal I didn't like. Except maybe stinkbugs, but who actually likes [b]those[/b] things?[/i] [h3]Favorite color?[/h3] [i]Dark green, like tree leaves.[/i] [h3]Do you identify with any song or piece of music?[/h3] [i]Don't tell anyone but despite being raised on a farm I don't exclusively listen to country. Shocking, right? There's a lot more Judas Priest than Hank Williams on my Walkman.[/i] [h3]Do you believe in aliens?[/h3] [i]Wholeheartedly. The universe is just too big for there not to be other lifeforms out there, right? Not that there's been crop circles in my fields or anything. But yeah, I think they're out there, we just haven't run into them yet. That's just me though.[/i] [hr] [h1][b]Noah's Relationships[/b][/h1] [color=lightyellow][b]Connor Rice[/b][/color] [i]Connor was one of the first people I met during Freshman year. I never had trouble adapting to the new environment and all that, but he was in my homeroom and another sports guy, so we sort of fell in with each other. For years I've been trying to get this man to join the football team, but he's focusing on trying to get an academic rather than athletic scholarship, which I can respect. Still makes for a good workout buddy. Offered him some work over the summer as a farmhand seeing as he's always asking me about crops and stuff.[/i] [color=pink][b]Gabriela Mendez[/b][/color] [i][/i] [color=seagreen][b]C.J. Makowski[/b][/color] [i]Is that the girl that only seems to glare at me or ignore my existence? I don't think she likes me very much. Don't know what I did though.[/i] [b][color=indianred]Ash Fitzsimmons[/color][/b] [i][/i] [b][color=orange]Peter Przybyszewski[/color][/b] [i]The new kid! I haven't seen him around school much. I've tried reaching out to the guy ever since I had to run off a couple of guys hassling him in the hallways a couple weeks ago, but he's kept to himself. I guess he just hates attention. I just hope I don't massacre his name if he ever does talk to me.[/i] [b][color=cyan]Higor-Sscro-Liuar[/color][/b] [i](I'm assuming we haven't met yet.)[/i] [/center] [/hider]