[h1][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/165239-ink-on-your-soul-reboot/ooc#post-4372122]Ink On Your Soul - Reboot[/url][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][img]https://static.tumblr.com/7e695b6cd8e13d17ee660734e9023590/ecsw3hr/Rbxnxs1hg/tumblr_static_filename_640_v2.jpg[/img] [hr] [quote=Brandon Stout]"I've been through Hell and back. It's actually kind of my home."[/quote] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhP3J0j9JmY]Believer[/url] [hr] [h3]Name[/h3] Brandon Stout [h3]Age[/h3] Appears in early 30's, is thousands of years old [h3]Gender[/h3] Male [h3]Description[/h3] In human form, he has reddish skin and black hair, along with blue eyes. He stands at 6' tall. In his true demon form, he still has red skin and black hair, but yellow eyes and his horns. He stands at the same height. [h3]Species[/h3] Demon [h3]Sexuality[/h3] Homosexual [h3]Personality[/h3] Brandon is mischievous and cunning, liking to poke at people and joke around. He seems quite cruel sometimes. Inside he's a real softie, opening up about feelings and small "feminine" things. [h3]Likes[/h3] -Cats -Baking -"Old school" video games; Crash Bandicoot, Pacman, etc. -Decor -Being tidy -Plants -Rain -Black -Drinking -Playing guitar [h3]Dislikes[/h3] -Being called a sin or "Lucifer" -Discriminatory people -Day time -Fights -Classical music [h3]Backstory[/h3] Not much is known about Brandon. He was raised in Hell, just like any other Demon. More is to be revealed throughout the roleplay. [h3]Occupation[/h3] A barista at a local cafe [h3]Country of Origin[/h3] Hell (?) [h3]Feelings About Meeting Soul Mate[/h3] Secretly, he is excited. On the outside, he seems careless about it. [h3]Soul Mate[/h3] Viktor [h3]Misc[/h3] -He, like Julie, has a giant tea collection [/center]