Clyde stood before the bridge. He can feel a vane twitching above his brow. Do to the bridge being so narrow it was even more crowded than the streets. There was even a Snorlax present. Taking up the center. People literally had to squeeze pass it. Clyde felt a doomed presence hanging over him. He could always swim across. The river didn't seem to wide or too deep. But then again his bag isn't completely water proof. But then again it's not like a bunch of school supplies crammed in there anyways. Without hesitating Clyde stepped onto the wall of the bridge. Pokemon and people alike witnessing him doing this all had mouths hanging open from the sudden surprise. The river wasn't very far down. So the drop wouldn't hurt much unless there was a rock hidden beneath the water. Oh well, Clyde thought to himself. Stretching out one foot soon the rest of him followed. He landed in the water in a matter of seconds. And for a brief moment he allowed himself to sink enjoying the refreshing feel the coolness. Before surfacing. The water was deeper than he first figured. And luckily there were no rocks upon entering the water. Clyde swam effortlessly to the other side of the river. Away from the busy town. Away from the crazy crowd. Once on the other side Clyde stumbled out of the water wringing out the bottom of his jacket and shirt. AS he was doing this he noticed a very surprised girl dressed fancy clothing staring at him. Clyde stared back at her then clicked his tongue in annoyance before disappearing down the path of leading into the forest. He didn't mean to be rude, he was hungry, tired and on the verge of loosing it if he didn't take of the matter soon. If nothing was going by the time he reaches where he suppose be Clyde plans on taking a short nap while he waited for the event to start. [@Aquanthe]